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Everything posted by MastaOfDisasta

  1. Hi, my name is Pots, and I love to snipe. The only thing I love more than sniping, is FactionZ. I've played on public servers in the past, Epoch servers, white list servers, and there's always something lacking on those servers that FactionZ gives me. A challenge. A challenge that only multiple groups of experienced organized players can provide. A few days ago, me and my faction [OP] stumbled upon another faction [HB] laying a trap for a 3rd faction [sOE]. In a sense, their ambush got ambushed from behind. We had no affiliation with either faction, we just wanted to pick a fight... and boy did we get one! After sniping one [HB], a massive firefight broke out on the southern half of the map involving all 3 factions. [HB]s were sandwiched between the two other factions and took massive casualties early, while trying to fight on 2 fronts. Several [sOE] were finally then taken out by the many [HB] in the area who also employed some Loners (people not in a faction) to help in the fight. Meanwhile my faction stayed back picking apart whatever we could find from 600-700m out. [HB] was forced to give up on their continued assault on [sOE], and on most public servers this is where a group of people would whine, disconnect, or simply flee. Not [HB], not in FactionZ, they turned their attention to us. They outnumbered us 6 to 2 at the time, and attacked us from multiple fronts to close the distance between us, forcing us to retreat Southwest over the crest of the hill. However, in this position, we had to give up our line of sight giving them cover to flank from wherver they wanted. We saw one on the crest of the hill to the Southeast and I got into position to take him out when my partner DC spots another closing the gap quickly to my immediate East. He doesn't have a clean shot and neither do I so we try to move West over some hills and unpredictably return back South once we're out of their line of sight in hopes of throwing off theire trail and repositioning. Once we get over the crest of the hill, however, we're greeted by 5.56 shots from a 3rd [HB] charging 300m right towards us. We scatter and scramble back over the crest, each taking a shot for solid damage. We don't have time to stop and bandage though, as the target on the East surely closed some of the gap by now, the sniper in the southeast will take us down if we stand still, and the one closing from the South will be over that crest himself any second. Our only path is to retreat Northwest, and hope they don't get a clean shot before we can get some cover. We scale mountains and hills, dodge behind trees and bushes, exchange gunfire all while being chased by the entire [HB] faction. Two clicks to the Northwest, we're still fighting and manage to take out another. We fall back another hill to the West and wait for them to pursue. I manage to see one looking for us on a mountaintop with my sniper scope 880m away. I hold my breath and take the shot, another one down. But now they know our position again. We try to switch it up and go 2 clicks more to the South, until we hear a Humvee driving down fast through the roads, the zombies of a nearby town giving our relative position away. Then we hear a little bird in the air flying right toward that town to give aerial reconosanse. This isn't a public server rookie little bird pilot hovering at 65 km/h and 250m out just asking to be shot down, this is guy makes sure to keep their speed above 110 and never get within 450m of our likely position. We have a choice to make, bust out our LMGs to try to take it down (a tough shot given the way he's flying) and give away our position completley, or ignore it and continue to stealthily make our way to the extract point, where I've parked my own get away chopper. As tempting as it was to try to take it out, we suppress our fire, continue 3 more clicks back south and a bit east. We make it to the Extract point without any more target sightings, hop in the chopper, and return to base. Mission accomplished. I don't do it for loot. I don't do it to make a point. I do it for fights like these. Challenges like these. Experiences like these. This is what FactionZ is about, to me.
  2. MastaOfDisasta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This is one of the few instances where I hope the door hits you on the way out. ;) Don't fiddle with options where you can die. It's literally not hard to adapt.
  3. MastaOfDisasta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    For those who don't understand the debug monitor situation. This should clear things up for you.
  4. MastaOfDisasta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Keep in mind this is not a finished product. The debug monitor was for... gasp... debug purposes. We're testing this game while Rocket is adding/subtracting things to fine-tune DayZ. Rocket probably intends to eventually (<-- key word here) have the Debug information optional (server choice, not player choice) similar to other settings (nameplates, etc). There's nothing on the Debug monitor that you absolutely need (you have a blood icon that previously was useless, now has an important use!). If you absoltutley can't live without knowing your exact blood amount, you can switch the debug on briefly to check.
  5. MastaOfDisasta

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Translated: It should be removed UNTIL these changes are made and I will agree with you. In it's current form, I've yet to see a good reason why to keep it in the game.
  6. MastaOfDisasta

    How many are there helicopter crash sites per server?

    We just found 5 on our server, so it is possible to find that many.
  7. Don't log out in NWAF Barracks. Seriously, I can't fathom how you legitimately die like that often. It's your own fault if you don't log out prone under a tree relatively away from where people will see you log in.
  8. MastaOfDisasta

    Banned for using Hacked/duped weapons

    My sympathy for anyone using a hacked weapon is.... Zero. You should already know every possible weapon in the game, and if you don't, it takes 30 seconds to look it up.
  9. MastaOfDisasta

    Anybody with a chobber there want to play??

    You can play with my chobber if you want ;)
  10. MastaOfDisasta

    Finally got my first murder

    Looks like karma bit you in the butt.
  11. MastaOfDisasta

    Tents deleting all my items

    How old are you?
  12. MastaOfDisasta

    Why the Hero skin is useless

    Solution to hero skin: Increase amount of Humanity you gain from blood transfusions Have it limited so that you can only gain Humanity helping UNIQUE persons (You can't keep blood transfusing the same person) It will be difficult to exploit with that setup, though I don't know if it's possible to code and keep track of this with the mod.
  13. The loot inflation from duping and hacking far exceed that of the simple tent mechanic.
  14. You work till 2 am?
  15. MastaOfDisasta

    MP5 w/ Suppressor

    If you're really close with a submachine gun, why would you aim for the chest? The gun has very low recoil, all you have to do is spray the head and I'm sure you'll hit it before your mag empties unless you have the Muhammad Ali shakes.
  16. MastaOfDisasta

    12k hackers banned my ass

    200+ hours played, and I've only encountered maybe 1 hacker. I say maybe because I'm not 100% sure it was a hacker, but my friend said he put a clip in him and didn't die, and the 'hacker' was in a hanger but wasn't spawning zombies prior to our arrival. That said, we're still on edge ready to log out at any sign of a teleport. Luckily we haven't had the need. Hackers don't seem any worse in this game than in BF3 or MW3.
  17. MastaOfDisasta

    Surviving. Really?

  18. Shame on anyone wanting to play DayZ with a 360 controller.
  19. MastaOfDisasta

    What do YOU carry?

    First reply admits to carrying around hacked weapons. Great start!
  20. MastaOfDisasta

    Game got boring real quick without Side Chat

    Side-chat was a terrible idea for this type of game. Just like 3rd person. But kiddos who want it easier will flock to servers with them, and servers will implement it to get more people, and there will be very few servers that provide excellent immersion experience because of it.
  21. MastaOfDisasta

    Is this considered cheating?

    No it's not.
  22. MastaOfDisasta

    Hero Skin Bandits

    I was with you until this admin abuse part. That's pretty shitty.
  23. MastaOfDisasta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I hate you for it.
  24. MastaOfDisasta

    Why are dogs going to be in DayZ?

    That would be a good idea actually. BTW Dogs is a great idea for the mod.
  25. MastaOfDisasta

    Performance on MacBook Pro retina

    Ultimate fail would be: Using a Macbook with a 360 controller and a Brony avatar to play DayZ