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Everything posted by khan1162

  1. khan1162


    Iam leaning towards a theory that Dayz funding dried up and they need more funds to continue work for the current state the game is in which i would hesitate to call alpha. They say alpha so everyone can parry any complaints on various features or lack therof by reiterating its alpha. Did or can they port from arma 2 to whatever hybrid engine this is? Axes and punching make a gun shot sound when hitting a door for instance. Zombies are almost non existent in a game thats major premise includes zombies. Picking up and using items and opening doors in my experience is incredibly tedious and takes far to long to register if at all it registers. The sound problem I experienced in the mod was I would constantly hear pop cans opening but never found anyone to go with said noises. It is still happening. Why am i being bombarded with thirst and hunger notifications even after consuming food or drink. These are not exactly alpha problems.
  2. My problem is the mouse wheel wont scroll. The only temporary fix is to alt tab and then the mouse wheel will work for 15min.
  3. The Shinigami is server hopping eliminating players by using scripts.He seems to know where everyone is located. My charachter was killed and he took my weapon. My brother lost two of his charachters. The first with me and then the other he was laying in ambush for the guy to grab our gear and was killed from behind.Today the shinigami killed another friend in the middle of nowhwere.The first game there were 6 people on and after 10minutes everyone was gone.the latest event there were 5 total. I have no video proof but and dont want to write a long description of who, where and when. If you see him in game just leave. He more than likely wont change names due to the meaning of Shinigami. If you add him to friends list you will see he targets low populated servers.
  4. The chances you come on this forum is rare. Are you alive and did you take my NVG? or were you worried about the other player i was with. I had you dead to rights and as soon as you hit the dirt i assumed you aborted and just wanted to say good for you for not aborting. It appears that is a rare quality especially after taking 3-4 ak rounds .You got me right in the forehead with that 2nd shot. What happend was very intersting but only want to talk to the guy who survived so iam leaving out the details.
  5. khan1162

    2v2 firefight Polana us 834 ghillie

    Here is what went down. My buddy who i shall call X was with me when we went to Polana market. As we were crawling out of the city up a hill a zombie somehow spotted me. We were moving west from the market. I said lets run and we will kill the zombie away from the city. As we approach the hill player X says person. I look a up and adjust my eyes and we were running right at a ghillie who X says was not looking at us after it was over. I do a clumsy attempt for some reason of trying to shoot while running. I stop and then start letting loose rounds from the hip. The zombie behind me starts attacking me to my right and i empty 4 bullets in him. This is all happening really fast so i look and dont see the ghillie and out of the corner of my eye there is another player wearing all black running on my left . It was as if he was oblivious to everything or it all happend so damn fast. I sprayed some rounds at him and ran right by him and as I passed him he was shooting at X with what had to have been a machine gun. I ran about 15 yards turned around and unloaded controlled shots at the tree where i saw him.X says he is hit and needs help as iam shooting at this guy who was unloading in X direction. I go to ground looking in the direction we were. I look at the murder count and see i have one .X says he is in a tree applying a bandage. We both dont know who is dead. I dont know which one i killed at this time so i move up a little bit more to a better vantage point and tell him to crawl towards me. He makes it out I give him a blood transfusion and we run a mile or so away. X has to get off because of work.10 minutes had passed since the encounter. I very slowly make my way back to the location for i did not want to loot but was more interested in who i killed and not knowing but suspecting the ghillie was alive so I approached cautiously fearing a sniper wanting revenge. As i get closer to the location I stop in a vantage point were i can see left and right towards the city. I wait a little bit debating on whether or not the player would leave wanting to save himself and meet up with his friend on the coast with something or he would go to Polana to get supplies. I wait maybe 5 minutes and out of the corner of my eye there is a ghillie next to a tree heading out of Polana. He stops, does a half assed look to the right and then starts crouch running less than 10 yards in front of me. I unload a 6 round burst on him. I saw the bullets hit him in the left knee, another in the stomach and another in the shoulder. He drops to the groud like a sack of potatos making a groaning noise as he hits the dirt. I fire some more in that direction and sat attentively looking for him. I did not look at the murder count right away or where it says people are losing connection. I wait a couple of minutes and see a zombie on my to my right where the player who i had killed body was laying. I shoot the zombie and wait a few more minutes. He must have disconnected is what i though for i couldnt see a body from where i was so i crawl towads the first player i killed. As i approach a dirt patch right next to a tree where the body and always keeping a look in the direction to see fi the ghillie was dead. I hear a distinct to my left and in a quarter of a second i went from its nature to it was silencer bullet. I immediately identified where it came from and before i could fire and more like as soon as i turned my body towards him a little bit up on the ridge I clearly see him and take a bullet right in the forehead. The only tihing of value i had was NVG and him knowing that i had a another player with my not have looted my body. I was on the ridge when i shot the ghillie and as i look back he was running right where it dips down. He must have crawled back bandaged and ate some food when i should have risen and finished him off.
  6. khan1162

    2v2 firefight Polana us 834 ghillie

    I would like state that i was not bested and also fully understand what you are saying as well as it is a hard point to make when i was the one that died without getting into detail.
  7. khan1162

    2v2 firefight Polana us 834 ghillie

    your sit down comedy sucks