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About UsuallyFriendly

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Same problem.. no servers work for me.. just get stuck on "reqesting authentication" for 40 seconds. then it says "something went wrong..." Wish someone had a solution. I could play a month ago without any problems
  2. Hey guys, Haven't played DayZ in a while and noticed there's an ass load of maps/mods to play on now. Which, if any are best for a survivor/scavenger playstyle? I really like, and am used to Chernarus. How's DayZ+ and DayZ 2017? Any recommendations would be great! Thanks
  3. UsuallyFriendly

    So the new patch

    really? google "arma 2 beta" even "dayz beta" if thats easier for you ... ya fucking do-it-yourselfer you
  4. OP's a big ol emo kid... honestly every thread i see of yours is whine, whine, whine.. Why dont you jus stop playing? lol
  5. UsuallyFriendly

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    yes, obviously.. i honestly can't believe they still havn't wiped .... maybe this poll will finally convince someone (unlikely)
  6. UsuallyFriendly

    Geared up.... but worried....

    why dont you read the thousand other threads that are the same as this one?
  7. UsuallyFriendly

    Will dogs be friendly in 1.7.3?

  8. UsuallyFriendly

    If they removed backpacks!

    stupid post. stupid idea
  9. UsuallyFriendly

    How did your most recent character die?

    Hacker stocked a group of us on teamspeak.. teleported to us and killed all 3 of us within like 10 seconds....
  10. not that hard to press caps locks. ya really should have jus said friendly
  11. UsuallyFriendly

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Should we all post like this now?? lol
  12. UsuallyFriendly

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/yhksh/successful_graphics_glitch_fix_for_nvidia_gpu/ hopefully you Vid Card is nvidia this worked for me right away.. if i ever see a hint of artifacting now (barely ever do) I just do the flush thing and it clears it right up also make sure ur video memory in advanced options is set to default
  13. UsuallyFriendly

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I've come to accept duping and hacking will probably be around til standalone. Also should mention it seems hacking has been curbed a bit (played all day today on PACKED servers and only got teleported once) Also, the artifact fix on reddit that rocket recommended worked great for me :) But I'd still like any word on whats up with this mod right now. (what happened to WOOF WOOF at least?). I mean it's been over 2 weeks since the last patch with no word at all and no. rocket asking for feature ideas on the standalone doesn't count
  14. UsuallyFriendly

    What else could bring Humanity up?

    Maybe to promote group play..humanity could raise steadily slightly faster if you're in a group