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Everything posted by Marnixvb

  1. Marnixvb

    DayZ Stories

    I was playing for a while and found myself a nice pistol and a shotgun in Cherno. Then i climbled up top on the City hall where i logged of afterwards. Because it was starting to get dark on the previous server i decided to log into an other server where i got instantly killed after logging in. Then i respawned back in cherno. When i entered a building i suddenly heard something that sounded like a chopper. I wasn't sure because it was my first encounter with one. I hear the chopper getting closer and closer and i notice i have nothing to defend myself with. Because of my curiosity i try to find out where the chopper is, but 5 seconds later i hear a huge explosion. I run out of the building and start investigating. Suddenly i notice a big smoky fire on top of the building on the right of the city hall. I decide to approach it from the north east. In the meantime i aggro loads of zombies and i had to run trough some building to make sure they lost me. The a few seconds later i am about 50 meters away from the crashside, i can see the helicopter burning in one of the "gardens surounded by some walls". I decide to lay myself on the ground while hearing a lot of gunshots, it looks as if there is a firefight going down, one in which i don't want to involve myself seeing as i have no weapons. Then all of a sudden someone comes running from behind the wall straight at me. He is wearing a military suit and at this moment i am sure that these would be my last seconds before i would get the "you are killed" message. Surprisingly he stops at where i am laid down and he starts to drop the most rare weapon i had ever seen followed up by a huge ammount of ammunition for all kinds of rare weapons. I figgure he wants me to take it probably because he might think he is about to die. So i pick it up and then suddenly he drops night vivion goggles for me. I,m super excited at this point because i realise that i might have to defend myself as well for his enemies. I type in chat that i will try to help him, no response though. Suddenly a jeep spawns in front of him. He steps in the driver spot and waits for me to get in the passenger seat. When i got in he started driving away from the ciry. Not 1 minute later he steps out, and so do i. He stands still and doesnt move. Suddenly he dissapears and i am left alone. I wait for a minute trying to realise what the heck had all just happened to me. The i decide to drive the car in between some trees trying to mask it a little bit. I lay down on the ground again trying to look for anything suspicious. After 2 minuts i realise that he wanted me to have the car. I run back to it and start driving a way to the far north. After a while i go out because i wanted to see if there was any gear in. I open up the back of the car and it is filled with ammo. At this moment i am really really happy. I get back in and drive a bit more inwards. Suddenly i get the "No response for 5 seconds", being followed up by 10,15,20,25,30 etc seconds. Them i get disconnected. I wait for 5 minuts before trying to log back in. After i finally got back in the game my car had dissapeared. I didnt like it, but i understood that i was lucky to have had 1 in the first place. I was close around a village so i decide to enter it looking for some food. After about 5 zombies aggroed on me i decided to run into this farm building where i for the first time fired my newly given gun. I was extraordinary, i had 4 clips and each apparantly gave me the possibility to shoot a 100 times. After having killed the zombies i ran out from the other side running back to where i came from. The all out of nowhere i see another car which looked just like the previous one i had driven in, only now it was completely somewhere else. The cars engine was damaged and it had a whole less amount of fuel then the car i drove in before, it also didnt have any gear in it. But i had another vehicle !!. What luck i had. I drove back towards the sea and then further north. I followed the highway which stopped at a village, I was at the most northern village and there wasnt any road left. i decided to drive trough the grass and go even further north. There i parked it right behind some trees making it invisible for any other players. Unfortunately i didnt have any fuel left... Then i logged of hoping the vehicle would still be there tomorrow. What a weird, but great adventure it was. (sorry for grammatical errors)