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    Woodland Warrior

    Help for a future player

    yeah but the serial code for the game wouldn''t work unless you had 2 copys

    Help for a future player

    -Your Answer- First you can use Arma 2 Free with Operation Arrowhead to play the dayz mod No you can not use the same game on a bunch of different computers because of the need for a steam account and connection to battle eye. Yes the as far as I think the game is well worth the price for the operation arrow head. When you go to use the free version go on youtube and find the video with the anime background at start and you'll be able to get in game then message me when your tired of dieing and need a team

    Who just killed us?

    oh wow that was you lol

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    About your 3rd point I don't agree in fact I believe there should be more animals in the woods like Predators that can kill you. If your going to have animals in the woods then add the ones that can kill you. Content is really what this game needs. More Cars Vans Trucks and Boats. More Zombies, by skill and by type. How about some Boss Zombies? Like maybe a time in the night where a big ass super zombie would spawn. something that doesn't die easyly and no not god zilla big. sharks in the water as well. npc bandits should be added. MORE Content is key, A city like electro should have like 30+ Cars ect. maybe not all full of gas and in best shape but cars should be there. if there was more cars out there no one would care to hord them all up.
  5. yup sounds about right lol <- odd but we get the job done.


    This is why you should join a clan pm me if you need one
  7. sorry about that the code wasn't working right. you can check us out at http://www.zombiehords.webs.com

    Jackin the Hackers

    LIKE A GLOVE... good work man lol steal there shit lol

    free camp

    -Release- This kid got removed from the clan for Team killing,Clan Bashing,Promoting other clans in our clan wail trying to recruit our members to his "other" clan, Aggressive/Abusive behavior,Constant disrespectful words and comments to members and staff. Screwed over as he says is a lie. This 16 year old kid was given respect and tons of chances to change his actions and his Anger issues got in the way of his judgement. He would with our permission live stream video that recorded voices of our members which was disturbing to the people who didn't want to be recorded and was recorded unknowingly. He didn't respect anyone's privacy rights and created a atmosphere of drama and anger which lead to his removal which was done still in with respect. - To the kid who posted this. Move on with your life, this in the end is just a game and your threats are not going to make us accept you back. your gone and you will remain gone. -
  10. JAMESWOODS2012

    Bad Serial Number given in Setup

    listen. I know how to fix this. If your usen arma 2 free with arma operation arrow head you will get the message of invalid Serial number to fix it go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRK1t6tXpbw
  11. Let me know whats up and PM ME
  12. JAMESWOODS2012

    Looking for squad

    pm me if you want to squad up we got our own server so let me know.