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Bernd (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bernd (DayZ)

  1. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey pumpkin check your pm It's your lucky day. We are at Balota now. Add me on skype and ID as pumpkin please.
  2. Bernd (DayZ)

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Pm'd you. Urgent medical job. A medic needs treating between elektro/cherno and I need a ride to get to him. Please skype me if you can help.
  3. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    IMflair Hello. Add me on skype. I can be with you in 20 mins and will transfuse you. Wait in the lobby, talk on skype and I will tell you which server to join. Do you have coordinates/exact location?
  4. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello I am in stary. What is your location? Skype me please as I cannot keep alt/tabbing out to check steam (just install skype and add me as a contact - friendlybernd) Help is on the way Stay in the lobby or disconnected and I will come to your location. Give me your location on skype, not here.
  5. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    coming with heli have pm d you please add me on skype
  6. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi Brotz I will help you. Add me on skype and we can talk. I will try to arrange transport. My advice is to disconnect, find (approximate) coordinates/location and await notification to connect to my server. I have supplies to treat you but you must not connect in this state until I am right by you. Help is on the way
  7. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    You're welcome - but it was made possible by Graz (excellent pilot, great food, no baggage charges.) People like Graz are a godsend to medics and patients alike.
  8. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello buddy Medic here If you still need help skype me Possible transport. Will confirm. have pmd you
  9. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello. I will help you. Have bloods/morph and will get you some food too. Just waiting to see if I can get us some transport too! skype me friendlybernd
  10. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    We can get to you in about fifteen to twenty minutes. add me on skype friendlybernd
  11. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    We can help Can we with you in ten mins Add me on skype friendlybernd
  12. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok Skype Friendlybernd Or pm Will help you
  13. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok we will save you. Pm me Skype Friendlybernd
  14. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    on the way pm me we will send you server details
  15. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Zaebos Get in touch. Check your pm buddy. skype teairra19
  16. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yes. Please pm me or skype. friendlybernd have pmd you
  17. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    are you getting a skype buddy? help will be on the way if you do :D
  18. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have blood and will travel to you. It may take awhile depending on what you mean by 'mid-east'. :P PM me rough coordinates (or town name) and I will get back to you.
  19. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Pm me. I will get on and notify you of the server. I carry blood, food and morphine ( thanks to the amazing Shark and his buddies).
  20. Bernd (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Another day, another departure into the hinterlands of the possible. It begins with the med thread. I see massa needs help, and offer to find him with cooked meat and to escort him off the NWAF. Yet I a thwarted by my home Internet going down. I finally get back online and he is gone. Trouble is, I had to prone over the NWAF to reach him, and now I am lying on the airstrip itself like a sitting duck. This is where my bad luck leaves me to be picked off by the first camper who spots me. So I hit up the thread and see that Dogmaster is in a bad way in a nearby town. Zaebos473 also says he will help. He's a probation medic needing one more job before he gets white listed. Hopefully I'll get there too. So we mess around with a few servers, and it takes us an aeon to get on together. We find one and it is a nervous wait as I am 'loading' to see how many more seconds of life I have in game. I tried the low population servers but we could not all get connected. This one is 27/40, and looks frosty. My character creates- I stand up and run like hell, all the while my patient and Zaebos the bodyguard's steam messages pinging in my ear. Shit, shit, shit! I am panting IRL as I gain first the fence, then the woods, and finally prone in relative safety to reply. It is a long run over open ground to get to my bodyguard, and despite coordination by steam chat I end up giving him something of a start. I see him on gps behind me, and say 'hello there'. We cross the road away from the Zeds, and I tell him about this very attractive cow I have just passed on the way. We decide to skirt the town and enter via nearby woods. Zaebos is a very genial chap indeed and so I get to asking him whether he has met many decent players before. 'Decent? What do you mean?' 'Decent as in 'don't shoot in the face on sight.' The warm flicker of shared compassion passes between us in a flash, and is suddenly exploded. A voice sounds loudly in our ears, 'Alright lads!' ...and there he is. Three metres away. Bush wookie. I have never seen a ghillie sniper before, and this one I will certainly never forget. He patiently waits as we both gibber 'medic!'- Zaebos explains where our patient is- and he coolly and rather amiably tells us he will stop by. 'tell your mate to look out for a motorbike. I'll just get my friends' he says, and then is off. Zaebos and I get to giggling about the profound shock our shaggy new friend just gave us both, as he rapidly melts into the underbrush. We wonder whether it was wise to tell him about our patient, but when we see him next it is not in Valhalla. Our noble bush wookie over watches our arrival in town, with his friend on point. He gently gibes us, 'having fun crawling around in the grass, lads?' 'we haven't all got ghillie suits, smartypants' I reply, airily. 'you will in a minute' he says. Oo We decide to run to the shop where our casualty lay, with myself and Zaebos providing a singsong Yackety Sax as we dash through the aggroed Zeds. When we arrive we see our 'patient' ghillied up, in the pink and armed to the teeth. Our two shaggy friends give us both ghillie suits, ammo, blood, morphine, a rangefinder....it goes on. Did I forget to mention the ATV? Yes. An ATV as well. Shark, Grant- the bush wookie heroes of two now very giddy rookie medics, we salute you. Their firepower and their arsenal is rivalled only by their immense benevolence. Now that, ladies, gentlemen, and you shambling infected, is what we mean when we say 'decent'. Ps Zaebos and I will in future be performing medic jobs IN GHILLIE SUITS ON AN ATV. Do not be afraid. Thank Shark and his buddies for the awesome, and enjoy the blood and meds that his largesse will now bring you all the swifter.
  21. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    XO Dogmaster? Just added you.
  22. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Not far. By the NWAF, south side
  23. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello Dogmaster. I am coming to help you. Have meat and drink, and a friend (Zaebos) doing overwatch. pm me the coordinates and we will come.
  24. Bernd (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have pm'd you. I helped 'legacyofbane' last night. I will feed you back to health and bandage you. Get in touch. Good luck Friendly Bernd
  25. Bernd (DayZ)

    Free Bus Ride Today!

    That's recklessly decent of you and I salute you. Shame you couldn't spray it up Merry Prankster style. If I wasn't off to bed I'd come and watch your back.