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Everything posted by marvin.turhan@gmail.com

  1. marvin.turhan@gmail.com


    Can someone please help me to disable the nameplates on my server? i really cant find this option... i have set FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\Users\DE795\DE795.ArmA2OAProfile but nameplates are still there.
  2. marvin.turhan@gmail.com


    yes its set to the right one which i have changed
  3. marvin.turhan@gmail.com

    Server restart

    hi, is it possible to automatic restart my server every day with a warning msg like "server restart in 10 mminutes"? i can schedule a restart with firedaemon but there wont be a msg befor restart takes effect which would be very bad.
  4. marvin.turhan@gmail.com

    Server restart

    this was fucking helpfull thank u very much! -.-
  5. marvin.turhan@gmail.com

    Server problems

    Hello, im running the server "DE 795" and im wondering very much because my server is allways empty. i really dont know why but mostly there are 6 players and other servers arr full. is there something missing on my server? would pay 5$ for every helpfull hint!
  6. marvin.turhan@gmail.com

    Server problems

    http://www.webtropia...d-server-m.html this is my server and only one dayz server is running on it. also i used the server optimizing thread but hasnt changed anything befor/after appiling the optimizing. i have no connection lags, no fps lags and all patches are running well at the latest one. i also update the latest scripts.txt and bans.txt every 2 days and restart also every 2 days. my servername is DayZ - DE 795 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - MarVin