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About tonic-_-

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  1. tonic-_-


    No matter which way you try to think of it the entire issue will always lead back to the engine and how ArmA: 2 is designed, I'm glad to see people like Suito understand that much. The truth is the only person doing all the master coding for DayZ is Rocket, there are various other members who do work on HIVE such as Vipeax (and if you live under a rock HIVE is the server application for communicating with the database). So to sit there and selflishy say that you and everyone else need to complain and pester the key person (Rocket) with this stuff so that he can then send it to BIS when BIS already knows about the issue is absolutely fucking pointless. The only thing you're going to be doing is bothering someone who has other issues to work on and issues that are something HE can actually fix. The only way to patch a lot of these cheats even for BIS is to change how the engine handles with the multiplayer framework, and to do that for a MOD is completely stupid, that would mean locking the engine down for a single MOD which could potentially ruin what ArmA: 2 was designed for and around because the little kids want cheat free DayZ mod, that would just piss off the real ArmA: 2 community which already has with some changes in the patch 1.62 which was pretty much designed to help around DayZ because of the popularity. So again, stop being selflish and look at the bigger picture. As far as for the last comment about people 'giving data to the server for HIVE'. That is how the ArmA: 2 engine was designed and that is how DayZ works. When your player changes details such as position, gear loadout, etc that is all how it was designed. Obviously I can say as an ex-member of the team there are people such as Ander who monitor the database for suspicious player data on their free time to try and keep DayZ Clean. There are various people doing such things on their own free time without being paid to check for cheaters and ban them through the database and then there are server admins who do proper steps and communicate with each other about cheaters they get on their servers. But as I said, complaining about the same shit to the wrong people is going to get you no where, the only thing you're really doing is bogging them down and the development of DayZ.
  2. tonic-_-


    I can now say without being yelled at what I am about to say... For the morons telling the dayz team to fix it, you're stupid. This is a MODIFICATION for a GAME, they have limited control to fix the cheating issue, bits an pieces have been put into the recent 1.7.2.x patches to combat against cheaters but it's never enough. You want to cry to someone go cry to Bohemia and Battleye otherwise gtfo. And you want to know something else? CHEATING will always be a problem no matter what game it is and what Anti-Cheat software they use. For example: Battlefield 3 and any game running Punk Buster, a developer that works for Punk buster also in his spare time creates cheats and resells them to the masses on a framework called HelioS. So to sit there and complain, whine and moan about DayZ and BE being shitty you really need to look at the facts and realize that the only thing you're doing with these topics is providing delicious tears for people to feed upon. As far as admins being powerless that is nothing but a lie, there is a feature called Script Detection in Battleye, LEARN the arma engine and learn what to detect by using it, stop playing the "I'm defenseless admin" move and start reading up. So your options are... A: Stop being stupid and start doing your research. B: Stop whining and take it like a normal person. C: Complain to BIS and Battleye and get people to rally together to complain to them so that something is done. D: Stop playing it and gtfo. You know what... Feels so good to get that out of my system without the possibility of getting in trouble.
  3. tonic-_-


    When you have a report of a cheater on, try and log 'call compile format' and you'll see. They use strings like: call compile format["%1%2 %3", "add","weapon","m107_dz"]; Not saying that's the exact format but it gives you an idea. Also logging call compile is another good thing as they won't always use call compile format, etc.
  4. tonic-_-


    Right now the most common script being used is using call compile format the problem with logging 'call compile format' is the log file will triple and it would take a weeks worth of logging to really get a good feel on what to filter out as legitimate code.
  5. tonic-_-

    Cheaters from logfiles

    Right, i'm a bit out of the loop lately but Ander did inform me that all helicopters were removed from DayZ via database so if you see someone flying a helicopter or if you see the parachute in the server logs I would check over the logs to see what that player is doing, if it's one player with the parachute eject then I would go ahead and just ban them.
  6. tonic-_-


    I'm glad that you understand, I want to also note that with the influx of new people to the ArmA: 2 community there has obviously been a demand for cheats... So with that demand people who make these cheats had to come up with a solution to bypass Battleye so that their 'customers' don't receive a global ban via Battleye so these websites selling these cheats have came up with all different types of custom solutions to bypass the Battleye Script detection system which is ultimately what we (from a server host stand point) use to detect cheaters via scripts.log by using scripts.txt so it has became fairly hard to detect these cheaters, sure there are those that we will catch which are new to ArmA: 2 but there will be still a large amount paying for these bypasses getting away with it till hopefully patch 1.61 then things may change. I myself have been trying to work on a ban system just for hosters them selves to submit 100% confirmed cheaters (and not guessing who they think it was) and apply the ban to a central ban list where then with work from Rocket (this is just a idea) would implement a ban system into DayZ to read from there, but as I said this is just a idea me and a few other team members have thought of but this was never really high priority for actual DayZ Development.
  7. tonic-_-


    All I can say is we tried to limit some cheats with 1.7.2.x but there is only so much that we can do to try and prevent them. Bohemia and Battleye have both acknowledged the problem and hopefully with the upcoming patch 1.61 for ArmA: 2 cheat protection will go up more then what we have now, but we don't know what all is in the mix for ArmA: 2 with Battleye Anti-Cheat support and BIS internal stuff, we are not ignoring or sweeping the cheater problem under the rug.. We are well aware of the situation and the problem most cheaters are causing with servers but as i've said there is only so much that we can do.
  8. tonic-_-


    We didn't make 'ArmA: 2' DayZ is a mod not a game, we can't stop cheaters with a 'mod' this is something that has to be achieved from becoming an actual game. The only thing we can do is try and prevent as many cheaters as possible with what we're given so to say 'Fix the hacks before anymore updates' there is no possible way for us to stop all cheaters in a mod form. And to be even more fair, you can never stop cheaters entirely mod or actual game. They will always exist.
  9. tonic-_-

    Cheaters from logfiles

    Ummm, It doesn't nessacerily mean a cheater unless you are updated to If your server is running the latest then this may be a cheater that spawned a chopper and ejected. The thing is if your server isn't up-to-date with the latest patch then legit helicopters still exist and when a player ejects that happens, but if you're all the way updated I would go ahead and ban that GUID.
  10. tonic-_-

    Can we stp patching on fridays?

    We used to patch every day, but Friday is actually an idea time to patch because it will be the weekend therefor a lot of players will be on and we can receive feedback and track down all the bugs that occure.
  11. Well now that we have finally switched the forums over I can finish work on my ban system that hosters can access to apply bans to a database which an external application can read from if made to fetch new bans automatically and sync with their server. The question is when I complete this would hosters like a json output and an XML output of the entire ban list for them so that they can fetch the data with a custom application?
  12. So here is the long story short, this guy in the group looked at me funny and tried to steal my beans so I challenged him to a hatchet stand off, after charging at him screaming in direct he chickened out and tried to run away from me and this was the end result. Just another day of being bored in Chernarus..
  13. tonic-_-

    All Servers Offline?

    Issue is being worked on.
  14. tonic-_-

    Post suspect BattlEye script logs here

    Sorry but, every single one of those are legit.
  15. tonic-_-

    Website back online

    No it will not. It wasn't a problem. Just late scheduled maintenance. This is why DayZ has various different sections of the development team so that DayZ updates them selves are not delayed.