Server: US 790 Timezone: Eastern Time Date/Time: August 30, 2012 between 3:20pm and 3:50pm Hacker's Player Name: your gay lover What Happened: I was rescuing a friend who was bleeding and passed out in Cherno when I was shot in the back. The person who shot me stole my ATV and my gear. I started heading out of Cherno when I run into someone else with an ATV and this player was a fresh spawn. We start driving down the coast when this guy starts rolling down the hill fully decked out in a Ghillie Suit and L85 on an ATV. He chases us into Cherno where we run out of gas and I hide a roof with no ammo for my weapons. I end up killing the hacker with a hatchet as he climbs onto the roof. This is when the hacking begins, he immediately respawns and tries to steal the ATV on the ground, where I end up killing him. Then as I'm driving away with the ATV he respawns again chasing after me where I shoot him dead. After this I keep driving away and he keeps appearing in the street in front of me as fresh spawn where I keep killing him. Then he starts breaking out the better scripts and goes invulnerable and spawns vehicles in front of my driving out into the road. This is when I start recording in FRAPS, he has me get on my ATV with him in back and teleports me around the map and performs various hacks. The hacks include: vehicle spawning, flying, smoke trails, spawning a weapons crate with non dayz weapons, invulnerability, skin changing, exploding bombs everywhere, and other exploits. In the end he teleported me back to Cherno with my ATV and left the server. I refused to take any of the hacked weaponry and just took my ATV and gear I had found in camps in the Northeast corner of the map. In the end he only affected my humanity by dropping it to about -8000 cause I kept killing him but he did derail my dayz experience for about an hour. Proof/Evidence: I started recording a FRAPS video when he started spawning vehicles in my path every 10 - 15 feet and he had become invulnerable. Video is linked below, please make sure we can get this player banned.
Skip to 4:11 if you want to skip my intro voice over and just want to see the video proof of his hacking. Thanks