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Everything posted by RyuTakbir

  1. Actually the main issue with the mod was, that it was a mod. So on top of everything that ARMA II had to run, the mod was taking part of the FPS. Rocket explained that in many interviews. So if they don't change anything in the standalone, just port everything over to the Take on helicopters engine, the game will run a lot smoother than the mod ever did. Thats why they can make more buildings enterable, make them look better etc. Because they are not tied to how much a mod can do, they can hardcode everything inside the engine and the game will run smoothly with no glitches and shit. So whatever they do its gonna be better than the mod, I have no worries there. The Dev Tumblr that got the pics will have more updates in the coming weeks, with new vehicles and other stuff they added. Cant wait to see it all :)
  2. RyuTakbir

    Ghillie suit boots - please reskin!

    What would you have them reskinned to? Green boots? I mean what do regular ghillied snipers wear on their feet?
  3. RyuTakbir

    Non-threatening clothing

    I think its best if everyone spawns with regular civilian clothing and that in the game you can find additional stuff like, vests, body armor, helmets, camo clothing and stuff like that. That way you could tell if someone is getting prepared for some serious trouble or if he is just a regular survivor. Still all applies, you can be shot by a guy in just in regular clothing but it still gives you more identification of the survivor because not everybody would have body armor like they are going into war :D EDIT: Also wanted to add that more clothing would mean slower running speed because of the weight and motion restriction of some body armor. That way you can see if people are just brawlers or quick runners.
  4. The current engine is just built like that. Until the standalone with the new engine comes I doubt that they will be able to fix it. I think its more of an engine problem than the mods fault. The new engine brings in ragdoll so when you shoot someone there will be more detection done and there will be a lot more physical response to being shot in the limbs, body or head. Or at least I hope so :D Its best to aim at the head of zombies, and when you see players RUN, or try to take them out from a distance. Before the weapon nerf I shot a player 7-8 times into his chest area with a AK-74 and he managed to shoot me once with a Lee Enfield after that and we both died. So its not just this update :(
  5. Unlucky: Being thunderdomed Lucky: Taking a L85 AWS out of the crate while in the thunderdome and disconnecting. Somehow I kept the gun and all the ammo. Not sure why people kill eachother inside there. There is obviously a hacker in the server so why not just stock up on guns and go to a different server xD You lose your current gun so you can take the same one if you feel like you are cheating. I don't mind keeping my L85 because I am playing for a long while and didn't find anything good at Stary Sobor, NWAF or any firestations. Best stuff I had was a kobra and a M9 SD with a Coyote backpack xD
  6. RyuTakbir

    Load a vehicle found on another server.

    Yeah hoarding is a big problem with vehicles currently. I seen only 3 vehicles and I am playing this game for a few weeks now. I didn't get to drive any yet so... Having vehicles only on 1 server also reduces the amount of server hopping because people tend to stay on servers where they have a vehicles stashed up. So thats a bigger plus, than having your vehicle go with you on any server :)
  7. RyuTakbir

    I found a thermal AS50

    Put it in a dead cow and hide the body :)
  8. The solution for this problem would be that zombies just shouldn't respawn close to the player, but that more zombies spawn because of gunfire. That way if you kill 10-20 zombies in a smaller area, more zombies get spawned around that and are attracted to the gunfire. Also they need to make zombie sounds attract other zombies to a position, so just murdering and aggroing a lot of zombies would only make it worse.
  9. And everyone just skipped over my reply about blood groups :|
  10. RyuTakbir

    Ideas for stand-alone dayz

    I think that Rocket once said that these zombies just use their brains for physical coordination. So zombies should be able to run at greater speeds than regular humans, because the brain prevents you from running too fast or too long to preserve your muscle health. So you go maybe 70-80% when you think you are giving all you got. So zombies should be faster than humans to make them a bit more tough, but there should also be more variants of zombies. You cant really put a timer on zombies and say "Hey you didn't eat now you are 2nd class", its just a random number of spawned zombies, maybe even spawn better zombies on high grade loot spawns. Classes of zombies should be "Well fed" which run fast, "Regular", run as fast as humans, "Hungry", run slightly slower, "Monkeys" that jump around like the current ones, and "Crawlers" that are completely slow but their purpose is mostly if they see you, they make a lot of noise about it, so they attract other zombies. Growing food in this game is kinda pointless, as most people move around a lot, setting up permanent camps isn't something people do yet, and you cant build anything else than tents, so maybe in the stand alone it would be worth it, but growing corn doesn't give you much food. Eating corn alone isn't a great diet but as a addition maybe. But still there are lots of animals and cans of food which are good enough for current food supplies. Trains in game would be also a game breaker because of the way people could troll with them and building rails is a bit too far out of the game. Building rails takes a lot of effort and materials, and without machinery the train couldn't go faster than 10-15 mph on them. And as for the "skill" upgrades I don't really think that enough time passes for such things to be noticable. A average joe, with average gun performances is what the game needs. So that everyone starts at the same level. Only your aiming skill and tactics can help you. Not running around for days, to increase speed so you can outrun people. In real life it takes a year or so to make some improvements on your body, be it muscle growth or endurance, so if you play DayZ for a week or 2 without dying, you shouldn't be able to run much faster, or aim that much better.
  11. RyuTakbir

    Modular P.A. Systems?

    Most problems with voice is that there will always be idiots who will scream, yell and play stupid music for everyone to hear just because they can. I doubt someone in real life would risk playing some shitty song just to troll other survivors. But ingame there is less consequences to dying and trolls will always be there to ruin your fun. So I would probably be against this, a ranged voice is all we need. Like a 50m proximity on which people can hear you with reduced sound volume and as you come closer you become louder and louder.
  12. RyuTakbir

    Player Identification and Classification System

    For this to work in a easier fashion it would probably be good to make a "party" or "group" system. Where you can "invite" people to your group and if they accept then your familiarity raises. It would be a lot easier to make it raise that way because parties could be range based as well. Like you can have 10 friends in a party and 5 are around you (50 meters or so) while some are further away. Those that are away (maybe camping some hill) wouldn't get the familiarity bonus but you could still define them as friendlies. If you just make it a visibility thing its kinda lame. Because you don't have to look at a person for hours to remember him. Maybe just interacting with him, like running, looting, healing etc could have a better effect at remembering someone better. That way you can run next to eachother and still gain the faimiliarity without having to stare at each other all the time. Also the whole introduction thing can be done by yourself or by meeting people ingame. Like when you are close enough to someone you can "Attempt handshake" to identify someone, and if they accept they can say their real name, or fake name or just not want to meet at all. That could also display some kind of untrust towards you. And maybe if you meet someone else who knows that guy already and he knows his real name you could find out he lied? There could be so many mechanics, but it would be such a pain in the ass to implement all this and to iron out the issues :D
  13. You guys are forgetting one thing in this whole story. Blood bags are probably filled with the O negative (O-) blood group which is universal and can be given to any other blood groups (A, B or AB). So transfering your blood to someone else randomly could kill them if they are not able to receive the specific blood group you are in. So its easier to believe that blood bags only contain O blood groups than that every single survivor also got the O blood group which is rare. And id rather keep transfusions only on a player to player lvl, to increase player cooperation. Also make the transfusion longer and have slight side effects after administering. Like dizzyness, maybe a blurry screen for a minute or so. That way people cant be just patched up in a matter of 5-10 seconds.