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uwotm8 (DayZ)

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About uwotm8 (DayZ)

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  1. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Log in, knocked out and bleeding, wwtffffffffffff

    Except I wasn't in a gunfight. Or being hit by zombies. Or in shock.
  2. Bleeding and knocked out for no reason. Then I regain consciousness at about 2k health. Pass out and a zombie eats me about 2 minutes later. The fuck is up with this shit.
  3. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    How to holster or lower your weapon?

    Doesnt work with pistols, only rifles. u wot m8
  4. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Replay Value Dwindling

    The biggest problem is phaggots running scripts and ruining the game for everyone.
  5. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Why I kill unarmed players

    u wot m8
  6. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    You know, in a real zombie apocalypse

    How do you know what would happen in a real zombie apocalypse? Even a small city would have a population of 50,000+, so you could be that there'd be survivors hanging around the outskirts of a city. A long rifle isn't exactly an uncommon weapon to come across either, so it is entirely possible people would be sitting in hills watching over the entryways to a city looking for people.
  7. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Is the M40A3 a scripted in weapon?

    u wot m8
  8. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Is the M40A3 a scripted in weapon?

    Great, thank you.
  9. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Is the M40A3 a scripted in weapon?

    u wot m8.
  10. The M40A3 sniper rifle with camo on it. Is it a scripted in weapon? Looted it off a guy last night, didn't play much today but someone mentioned it's scripted in and I can get banned for using it. Please respond.
  11. uwotm8 (DayZ)

    Hacker Camp

    u wot m8 all the good stuff is probably gone by now. fuaaark.
  12. What gives? I'm not ALT F4'ing during battles. Hell, I even spawned with a fresh player then switched servers to play with friends and it happened.