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Everything posted by Altash

  1. Altash

    DayZ wtf i going on? Ban hacker not me!!!

    @ Fraggle yes, for my FPS and i have Teamspeak overlay running. I wrote a mail to the Battleye support. I think they need some days to reply my Ticket. But to get a ban for Fraps or running other processes is banable i really cool to get money from legal playing people (ironie off). Maybe i should tell it the Consumer advice Center here in Germany if i didn't get my account back. I think people who work for that money and pay for a game who have so much bugs, should get his money back and i don't speak from the DayZ Alpha, i speak over Arma 2 and addons.
  2. Altash

    DayZ wtf i going on? Ban hacker not me!!!

    Cool, i'm not the only one that get a ban for nothing today. Yesterday i joined a server and i crouch on a grond at Skality Island behind the trees (in a Guilli Suite), 2 seconds after i joined i hear that someone shot at me with a M170 from the rock behind me near Kamyshovo, so i run higher behind a small Rock and wait for 5mins if the guy comes to me. But he didn't comes and i logged off. I wonder me how can he see me trough the trees??? And today i want to login and i can't i got a message that i got a global ban. I think i report this ban to my lawyer, and then we will see, what happend.