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About UndeadMerc89

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  • Location
    Colorado Springs, CO

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  • Bio
    RL Combat Medic
  1. UndeadMerc89


    In the pursuit of a nice vehicle I decided to take the always lovely tractor out to find these vehicles since the tractor runs as is. Well, I find a motorcycle but as I'm trying to turn I bump a fence and well... boom. Moral of the story, don't drive anything with a red engine.
  2. A short story of my very first murder. It's my first night playing with a new clan that I hooked up with. I'm on their server and it's dark as all hell out. You know what I mean, just enough light to see movement but you're more likely to run into a tree then not. I've taken the time though to hop onto their TS3 server to get to know the guys and to make sure there is no friendly fire going on. Just gotta love taking a round to the dome because you forgot to tell your teammates that you're in the area. Anywho, back to the story. So I come into the server just north of Stary. As any sane person would do, I head south to hit up Stary and maybe find NVG's, a GPS, or even a map would do. Oh, and the little POS car that spawns there. The one that requires more work then it's worth? Ya, that car. So I'm talking to the guys, telling them where I'm approximately at but it's difficult with no GPS or Map so it's just "North of Stary, please don't shoot me." Well, besides eating bark a few times I make it to the tents on the outskirts of Stary and I start doing my thing. Looking for anything of use or even may be of use in the future. Don't tell me I'm the only one who starts gathering STANAG mags before I even find a rifle that uses them. Well, I clear the first tent and I'm moving the Tent #2 when I hear the oddest sound. A vehicle. I start to panic. Who the hell is rolling around in a vehicle? Is it the clan? Is it one of the 3 people on the server that not associated with the clan? I don't know and now I'm freaking out. Well, as you can assume by the fact that I'm writing this story, the vehicle comes to a stop on the slope of the hill leading to the military tents in Stary. I'm in full panic now. No one on TS will say it's them, in fact everyone is accounted for and no they are not driving a tractor. Being my first night with these guys, I ask for permission to engage. I don't know what's coming towards me, but they have a vehicle and they are coming into the military tents so I'm assuming they at least have something to mess my day up. It takes just a few seconds and I hear, "Go for it. He's not one of us." Hehehehehe in a childish, maniacal sort of way is all I hear in my head as I acquire target and proceed with Operation Overkill because when in doubt, empty the magazine. I keep pulling the trigger in semi until I see the death message pop up confirming my kill. I realize now that my heart is easily passing 120 bpm, which is an accomplishment in and of itself playing a video game. I've just killed my first survivor. I speak up on TS 'cause everyone went silent waiting for a SitRep to confirm that the Death Message was from the guy I opened fire on and that I was not injured in the very one sided fire fight. I feel accomplished, even happy that I wasn't the victim for once. I go to the poor guys body and find all sorts of nice gadgets. Upon inspecting the tractor though I was surprised that he didn't die on the way. Who drives that thing on all red? Well, besides me... but that's a different story that literally ended with a bang. Well, I thought I'd put this up for people to read. You're welcome to say what you will, but if you're going to ask why this isn't in the bandit area then I have a simple answer for you. It's because I am not, and never will be a bandit. I killed because I perceived a threat to my safety, not because I wanted what was on him. Yes, I did enjoy not being the victim and feeling superior but I don't hunt people for the sake of killing them. This person came into the area I was already in and unknowingly provoked me into action. If he'd drove on past or went into a different part of town first this would of been more like, "The Nth time I've seen another survivor and ran away like a little girl."
  3. Went to check out the view near the rocks in the NW corner of the map above the airfield and I magically die with an M4SD w/ mags, NVG, GPS, PDW, and a whole bunch of misc. stuff. So in my frustration I run back up the map to the farthest point to find my body. It's still hanging out on the rock so I inch forward to hopefully loot it and get launched 30 feet to the ground below. Dead again.
  4. UndeadMerc89

    What the hell just happened?

    You joined a non-hive server meaning that the server you had to recreate your character on isn't connected to the hive. Hence why when you joined a hive server your character loaded up just fine. Read the Server name before you join just to make sure you don't get a non-hive server.
  5. UndeadMerc89

    Last Resistance - Needs More

    Steam Username: UndeadMerc89 Age: 22 You must have a mic: And I do Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Please oh please. No more Skype? *falls to knees mumbling about push to talk* Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I have been a member and a leader of a clan. I left as a member due to the clan disbanding and as a leader the same. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Why so few EVE players? A real thinking mans MMO and I would think DayZ would appeal to such a group.
  6. UndeadMerc89

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    Your Real Name: Andrew Your Screen Name: UndeadMerc89 Were Are You From: Born and raised SoCal, stationed out of Ft. Carson, CO Your Age: 22 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: Hard to say. ARMA its self not too long but I've played other Bohemia products Did You Start Because Of DayZ: For ARMA II yes, unless you count ARMA Free which I found to be pointless Do You Have Any Recording Software: Yes, what format would you like? Do You Have A Skype: Yes, but when the hell did Skype become the go to chat program? No push to talk, no real settings, nada. I'm sick of teaming up with people and hearing breathing for half an hour interrupted by some random "Oooooh, that's cool." Can You Be A Leader: Can I? Yes. Can Hitler? Yes. Better to ask, "Can you be a good leader." Of which my answer is maybe, just don't ask me to babysit idiots. Then I get grumpy. How Regularly Do You Play Arma: Daily, usually for a few hours or maybe all night. Depends. How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 10 Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I tried a group of good people, nice and all that but sucked horribly at well... everything. Panic was their standard and I lost count of how many times in a matter of 3 days I had to turn around and run back to save them from a small horde of zombies they attracted due to lack of common sense. I would like to join a new clan I can help build with what I know and people who can teach me something about DayZ that I don't know. I'd also like to build a group of gamer friends who I can play other games with currently or in the future because I've been clan/guildless for some time.
  7. UndeadMerc89

    Hacker US 1681

    Me and two of my friends found a hacker last night on 1681. I know for a fact that teleportation was being used and invisibility at approximately 2130 UTC -7. We suspect a [PFC] Mathus was to blame but we couldn't see a name due to this invisibility thing. We know someone was there though due to c-wire being set up around a truck we acquired from the said [PFC] Mathus with no one in sight but we could hear someone moving and then we were followed for about 2km with "Why can't we be friends" playing over Direct Communication. Albeit funny, we still couldn't see said person even in an open field with a set of NVG's and headlights on. Due to the nature of the hack we don't have any pertinent photos to post and none of us were video recording. If you're to check logs it would be shortly after [PFC] Mathus died at 020070 at approximately 2100 UTC -7. I'm sorry that I don't have more physical evidence and only speculation but I hope it helps correct whatever happened last night.
  8. UndeadMerc89

    US1681 Hacker

    We have encountered an obvious hacker on US1681. I've never heard of it but an invisibility hack and the teleportation hack are being used. We assume by a [PFC] Mathus since it only started shortly after he was killed by a member of our group. We saw c-wire being set up for no apparent reason and, hehe it did make me laugh, we've been followed by an invisible person playing "Why can't we be friends" over direct communication.
  9. UndeadMerc89

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    To the guy with no mic outside of Electro who I spawned in and saw getting messed up by zombies. Sorry I didn't make the blood run fast enough, when I got back to where you'd holed up at I saw a zombie chewing on your corpse. I put one through his dome for ya.
  10. UndeadMerc89

    So I met 10 year old kid...

    Age verification isn't a law exactly, but rather a recommendation from the raters. For the government to restrict the sale themselves it would be considered censorship, but the store is more then welcome to follow the suggested age ratings. On the same note, most parents expect the stores to do this to protect their precious children... usually the same parents who unknowingly buy violent shooters and the such for their precious babies because everyone else did. Point being, you can blame the kid but overall it's the parents call. Last I heard 10 year old kids don't have a debit card to run a steam account.
  11. UndeadMerc89

    Looking for new member

    Hi, my names Andrew. I'm 22 and I'm out in Colorado Springs, CO and I'm Army. I'm looking for people to play with that are willing to learn and take the time for a long trek. I personally have no issues killing people, especially if they are equipped with assault rifles but I'd prefer to remain concealed then open fire. My Steam ID is UndeadMerc89
  12. UndeadMerc89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still need desperate help, I've moved to 1.5km NW of Cherno. I have 1 blood bag and two Morphine auto-injectors. I'll trade you the two injectors if you give me the one blood bag.
  13. UndeadMerc89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In need of immediate medical help 600m North of Cherno. Steam ID: UndeadMerc89
  14. UndeadMerc89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just out side of cherno with about 1.5k of blood left. Would greatly appreciate some medical attention from a trusty medic with his/her aid bag. Steam ID: UndeadMerc89
  15. UndeadMerc89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in Zeleno too. Broken Bone and blood loss.