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Everything posted by jskibo

  1. West Coast Server DayZ-Relevant Configuration: •40 Slots •3rd Person View •Crosshair •NO Visible Playernames •NO Global and Sidechat •Map Enabled *High Pings Auto Kicked Will be adjusted to daylight for US EDT Primetime hours. Ventrilo server added MrWinkies Merry Men IL2.LeetVent.com Port:3948 45 available slots please enjoy, respect other players Keep offensive language down or you will be kicked My small group uses this as home. Any issues? Contact [email protected] Other info / news to come
  2. jskibo

    Ban ALT + F4s from Server

    Only bans caught by BE are global. Any ban an admin hands out is his server only. Please refrain from spreading falsehoods.
  3. jskibo

    Ban ALT + F4s from Server

    It would seem that currently we can start / stop servers and pay our paypal invoices. Everything else is met with hate and discontent. Then again, all a blacklist really accomplishes is putting $50 a month back in your pocket...... I fail to see the downside.
  4. jskibo

    New Map

    Lots of Arma2 maps available for years, however Dayz is currently the default map only. Now if you run a private hive, swap maps as you like
  5. just download your server console log file, open in any text editor and search it
  6. You're welcome. I'm usually around only on the weekends, career, six kids, etc. So if you see an issue, shoot me a PM or email [email protected] and let me know. Thanks
  7. Back online. Vilayer had another issue with the box they migrated us to. Sorry for the downtime!
  8. jskibo

    Is this a normal script?

    It used to be a way to inject scripts, they would just rename to dedicatedserverinterface.sqf You'll still see some idiots trying \MyScripts\xxxxx.sqf :)
  9. jskibo

    Is this a normal script?

    Its the script that runs when anyone tries to access the admin panel in game (off the map tab). If you as the admin do it you'll get the same thing with your name attached to it. Normal Scripts.txt file is set with "5" to kick for it and log it
  10. jskibo

    The ping auto kicks

    Even at 78 with a 75 auto kick it should keep you on. Mine seems to run a buffer and folks at 160 stay connected (I imagine they red chain though). Even high spikes that come back below the 150 seem to stay connected.
  11. Wow, way to drag up a three week old thread
  12. jskibo

    The ping auto kicks

    In four battleye config file, one line below Rcon password, or through BERcon command
  13. Just so you get it..... If the Devs ever bothered to read and respond to the ticket with a blacklist or threat of blacklist to the server (highly unlikely, but if anyway) here's what the admin will be facing for all your effort: 1. He will get to put $50 a month back in his pocket. Or 2. He will have a new server up in 24 hours or less, plenty of hosts willing to take the business So your crusade is pointless, get over yourself.
  14. Vilayer has a little time bat file so you can set slotted servers to different times than the box. Sometimes it works. My server is a West Coast box. I usually set it to -3. Most of the time that keeps it daylight far into the evening for us to play, getting dark around 2am and light again the following day late morning / early afternoon local time. After restart it begins to desynch, sometimes real bad, in the neighborhood of 8 hours off. When you reset the bat file to get it back to where it should be it works a little while, then goes nuts in the other direction. Putting time in a Vilayer box seems to be a crap shoot and would be false advertising for us as it wouldn't match what it is running.
  15. :) I laughed so hard I nearly soiled myself......
  16. Your's too aye? Looks like I get a new instance ID on mine. Hope not!
  17. The box this server resides on went down hard last night. The hosts finally got it moved to another machine around 1am, however when I look at the Instance ID it seems to be different than it was. I hope that's not the case, but if it is then all the gear anyone saved will be gone.
  18. As you have already shown quite a propensity for young man, your assumptions are baseless and false....
  19. If all I thought about was myself, I wouldn't be wasting $100 a month on two servers and an open Ventrilo server for the player base to use..... Like you, I would be sitting on my money and playing on some other fools server. son!
  20. Its a local server ban, not Batteleye Global. Global would have 4 digits after it, local contains words from either the drop down list or whatever the admin chooses to put in the line (as the above example shows).
  21. Mine was a mocking post, not the originator :)
  22. Let me restate yet again, neither US193 nor US566 have ever been locked or passworded.
  23. Sorry son, never have locked either of my servers.....
  24. jskibo

    Banned from CA1

    Bummer man, let's see, that's $100 a month I can spend on something else.....