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Everything posted by ShockTreatment

  1. Some of the residential spawn sites seem to point to a "doghouse". But at those sites I NEVER find anything. What am I missing? The building is not enterable, and the spot is right on top of where the doghouse is every time. Thanks for the help! Mark
  2. ShockTreatment

    Another Newb question I can't find the answer to.

    Thanks for the answer. U haz beans!
  3. ShockTreatment

    Survival tactical officer... reporting in.

    I'm gonna go with this guy for 100... OP... /facepalm@u the fact that you are on a police force just adds several levels of /facepalmness.
  4. ShockTreatment

    How fun is this game solo?

    I have just started playing this game week before last and I've played the entire time solo. I do like the paranoia feeling. I've done all the major cities solo (very cautiously) I've only been killed once by a player. That was my 1st life when I thought it would be neat to climb up in a lighthouse for a look around... LOL yeah F'n newb... It's great fun solo imho, but I think I'd like to see the other side of the fence as well.
  5. Animal spawns... I would assume they are near farms (logical) but i there a spawn system for animals? Thanks.
  6. ShockTreatment

    Newbie question I couldn't find an answer for.

    Thanks for all the great responses.