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About SmokingAce

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    On the Coast

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  1. SmokingAce

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Are you bloody fool? How the hell you can't find real weapons that exist realistic, lmao. And you ranting about army bases having more than 2 guns... YOU BLOODY FOOL! Go to army and come back. I didn't even read your full post before I got bored and could estimate what you were ranting more about towards the end.. Your points are more than INVALID. If there was zombie apocalypse, people would use ANY guns they could get their hands onto.
  2. SmokingAce

    Getting a BSOD minutes into spawning in

    Had BSOD for sometime before, always after gaming for just couple of minutes. It turned out that of the my RAM sticks was damaged. Nothing visual seen by eye. I suggest running 'memtest' for a night to see if there's a problem in there. (Alternative option, but also good to check even if memtest doesn't detect any faults)Try playing around with one RAM stick at a time and see what happens (incase you have more than one). Before buying randomly new stuff and putting money on trying things out, try figuring where the fault lies. And I also suggest downloading 'CPUID Hardware Monitor' for temperatures your computer is running at, as fault might lie there as well.
  3. SmokingAce

    Lost my chat due to a LADDER

    Bye Bye Figo! We don't want you here either.
  4. SmokingAce

    I am done. Too many glitches/bugs

    Which part of the mod being in alpha state you don't understand? Seriously. Do you even KNOW what alpha is? Whatever, just go already.
  5. What was the FIX in the end for the frozen server screen? :huh: I haven't been able to figure it out of all those suggested ideas above. I'm facing the exact same issue myself, and been fighting it for a week now.