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Everything posted by Raged

  1. Raged

    Will DayZ Survive?

    I'm very very sad. Was gone for a year and came back hoping to relive the excitement of Chenarus, Taviana, or even any other random map. According to Dayz Commander, it's done. I mean I guess if you play Epoch thats nice, but this mod is dead. Wish I had enjoyed it more while it lasted, had some great times here.
  2. so i was i. I even sent in some audio to audition. too bad to never got past episode 3. was turning out to be actually interesting. haven't seen anything similar in awhile.
  3. FIRST PAGE BITCHES WOOOOOOO!!!!!! On a serious note, I'm extremely excited for alpha. It's getting to the point I expected it to be for release. Everyone who's bitched about it 'taking too long' and 'losing the fanbase', I'm glad they're gone, because now the goodies are left for those of us who wern't impatient dick lickers :P
  4. So what you're saying is, the current zombie AI is being completely reworked and that's the next 'milestone' we're waiting on for SA to be released?
  5. yea, where is episode four :(?
  6. I'm glad I've followed this since the casting calls. It's turned our great, Cody :thumbsup: :beans:
  7. Raged

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I really really really really hope this happens. :D
  8. Are you guys playing on the Beer, Hookers, and Blackjack server?
  9. Raged

    Looking for people to join me on Origins!

    I logged on after i found it. Joined Exile. Thx for the heads up :D
  10. Raged

    Looking for people to join me on Origins!

    What's the name of the server? I'll join up.
  11. Raged

    DayZ - Survival Of The fittest Cinimatics

    This was pretty well made. Maybe just work on the timing a little? :beans:
  12. Great thread. Nothing to contribute but great thread nonetheless :D
  13. Raged

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I think we've all gone in SA Hibernation mode xD Good to see you're still breathing though.
  14. Raged

    Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

    I appreciate this game not because it's a "Zombie Survival" but it's a hardcore survival simulator, that just happens to have zombies, This game wasn't created to 'sell'. It was made fore the people that are sick and tired of the typical games that pander to mass audiences. To the OP, spend the time learning like the rest of us. Dedicate yourself to it. Eventually you will see what makes this game fun/great.
  15. Raged

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Keep it goin! I love this thread despite not being able to participate! :beans:
  16. Raged

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Continually excellent work inga :thumbsup: Just a thought, would it be possible to reconfigure the axe/crowbar into the secondary slot? It's never made sense to me that they have to be main weapons when in daily life they can be carried in work-belts/holsters.
  17. Did not see those x.x previous question retracted.
  18. Do you have to be so lax? All the OP is saying that it ruins the core-point of the game. If you and your buddies are talking to each-other within the world, it's plausible that 'your asses' wouldn't be saved if whoever you're fighting overheard you discussing strategy. Which is the exact point the post is making.
  19. Meta-gaming is inescapable. I do agree that if it was technologically possible to eliminate it, It'd make for a far better game experience. IE Immersion. But the fact of the matter is, until we all go to 'gaming hubs' that are businesses outside our homes, where we all plug into one singular game-host and play within the same world, it won't happen. I agree with all points of this post, but its similar to beating a dead horse. There's no way to fix it and something we have to deal with as a community. If a hardcore group, like say the caliber of 'Balota Buddies', pops up where every player is linked in and white-listed at the same time, just for the sake of immersion, I'll be all for that and I hope they do exist. But expecting someone to provide that for you when you purchase a game is like praying. Nothing will happen unless you strive to do it yourself.
  20. Raged

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    I read the original post, and a couple pages afterwards before it turned into everybody saying the same thing repeatedly. So I'll say this again. If the 'casual players' all drop and disregard DayZ because of the time frame/content, I'll be happy. The original fanbase and the community that propelled this game into the spotlight are what made this game awesome. Personally, I'll enjoy it getting back to its roots. The way Rocket intended. Call me a fan-boy, because I admit to it. Go away, you 'casuals', because honestly, in the long-term, you just make this game suck.