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Everything posted by Raged

  1. Raged

    Bandits....Ducking Bandits.

    Even in small communities the circle of life exists. The strong beat on the weak until the weak become the strong. Trying to be moral about it is limiting survivability. Just my opinion though. Not saying yours is wrong/invalid.
  2. Raged

    Bandits....Ducking Bandits.

    You were rewarded with loot, what's the problem?
  3. I made a post about wilderness survival because I'm definitely a Bear Grylls xD And all this stuff is completely complimentary to my ideas. :beans:
  4. Is this a bug or was I touched by the binary God? When it happened I was in 3rd person night vision, I hear a rushing sound and I warp to first-person without my goggles on. Turn on debug mode, and go to 3rd person. No more turban, 0 Humanity. Odd.
  5. Is this a bug or was I touched by the binary God? When it happened I was in 3rd person night vision, I hear a rushing sound and I warp to first-person without my goggles on. Turn on debug mode, and go to 3rd person. No more turban, 0 Humanity. Odd.
  6. Raged

    Who's the traitor?

    Great :beans:
  7. Raged

    church bells attract zombies.

    Beans for a good first post :beans:
  8. I think OP won this one. Logs are too easy to post and rub faces in.
  9. Raged

    DayZ Concept Art

    Fruckin' great artwork :beans:
  10. Raged

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    They aren't children, they're infected. I can understand all the points your making, and the target audience. But there's people like me. Albeit somewhat completely moral citizens, with or without children, who play video games because of the fact it's one of the only places where I can go nuts without consequence. Yea, I work out, eat right, and train my brain at school most of the week, but game time is relaxing, act on impulse time. Not cold and calculating grown-up time. Don't restrain the realistic performance if you can easily overlay another model with the click of the button. What was once a child is now a crazy murloc coming at you with the same animations and sounds. I think this idea was once called 'kiddie-mode'. Change it to 'Low-Gore' mode and everybody's happy :lol:
  11. Raged

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    The "commercial suicide" arguments are null in my mind, only due to the fact that Rocket is (seemingly) not too concerned about the money from retail sales.
  12. Raged

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    At this point, I think the PEGI/ESRB ratings issue would be the biggest crux, but then again I know 5-year-olds who love GTA IV :P I'm starting to think I'm into hardcore realism.
  13. Raged

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    It's hard to make a comment about this poll despite standing firmly on one side of it. While it would make the game more realistic, and possibly more scary, non-inclusion wouldn't make me mad. I mean hell, would anyone here say that taking the children out of Fallout would make it better, or that making them killable would make it worse?
  14. Raged

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Almost pissed myself. :beans:
  15. Go enjoy a whole raw hamburger, come back, let us know how it went.
  16. Raged

    What would you do?

    You have my beans, sir. I think I was having a bad day, because actual conversations like this thread are harder to come by then the typical "omg this game is gay"-post, and that's what I want to promote. That said, I still can't shake the feeling that it would feel like a typical repeatable "endless quests" system, where factors X Y and Z are randomly generated into Quest A B or C.
  17. Raged

    What would you do?

    No. The DayZ experience is based on the fact that a noob can attain the same level gear as a pro if they hit the right loot zone. Don't turn this into a game, it's a simulation.
  18. Raged

    What would you do?

    This belongs in suggestions, no matter how you phrase it. Okay idea, I guess. A little reminiscent of a repeatable quest from multiple games, I can't name any though (too drunk too remember). Read what Rocket says, and form opinions around it. Quests or any NPC interaction is quite beyond what he's aiming for.
  19. Raged

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    Apache you have some cred on the forums, don't ruin it by feeding the trolls :beans:
  20. Raged

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    I shot a cow the other day and ate every steak off him to regain full blood. No video though...guess I'm a bullshiter :P
  21. Raged

    Unique Looking Weapons and Unique Ammo

    I like the idea of keeping Dayz as realistic as possible, and in the realest sense, no two guns are the same (IRL). Example: Finding a stockpile of good condition M15s isn't an issue, it's the one with the broken firing pin you have to check for. Good idea. Beans to you sir.
  22. Raged

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    I Looooooooooooove Yahtzee. I think I have almost watched every review he's ever done because halfway through I'm laughing so hard I need to go back and listen to what he says.
  23. Haters gonna hate, the rest of us will just continue having huge penises.
  24. I've only had it occur after gutting them. I took too much time and they vanished right before my feet.