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Everything posted by Raged

  1. Raged


    I think the whole point of the OP was to acknowledge that the animation is lacking a key element and it needs to be fixed/removed. My opinion is that ultimately it should be removed, unless the animation is removed initially, and only available when the [pack of cigarettes] ITEM is acquired. People arguing for the long-term effects are taking it to seriously, IE (50% stamina redux, cancer over time, etc.). This is a game where we will literally be worrying about the daily need of finding a hole in which to shit. There is no time frame that will occur in this game that you can expect to see long-term effects of smoking tobacco and it's ramifications. If you guys want to start talking about using other 'addictive substances' like say, Mr. Methamphetamine, then I'm onboard for near instantaneous effects :lol:
  2. Raged

    Players No Longer Use Abort

    This has seemingly been fixed. The only problem I had was it would keep me online for zombie interaction i had 3 minutes before. They removed the 'infected aggro' dis-qualifier for logging out, so if you need to combat log and die because of it now, its your fault. It now (seemingly) works how it was supposed to.
  3. Raged

    Please take this survey!

    When are you posting results?
  4. Raged

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Based on Liquid's response I propose an old-western style duel between the communities. The losers must then assimilate :lol:
  5. Raged

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    http://i.imgur.com/oQikV6T.jpg :lol:
  6. Raged

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    It saddens me that this hotfix demonstrates how people can put literally weeks of work into something, only to have it ruined and shat all over by a bunch of f#@%ing whining.
  7. I'm just thrilled that these devblogs have kept me occupied for 30+ min for the past three weeks. Even if they're still in the mocap phase it gives me hopes for a bloody christmas :D Keep it up and keep us posted Rocket!
  8. Raged

    I would like to see more "signs" of the zombie apocalypse.

    I can understand the mod being so bare bones since Cherno before the mod was inhabited and functioning. What Chernarus+ will have will hopefully be a bit more ambiance, but I don't think some of your list will make it on, only due to computing capabilities. This has bugged me since I've seen this photo, I'm being nit-picky but, where's the rest of the plane? :rolleyes:
  9. With the dwindling numbers on my current server and lack of interest from my current group, I'm looking for a unit to join up with. I'm an able combat pilot, as well as an excellent scout. Particularly in Taviana. 21 years old, have Skype, and over a years worth of in-game experience. Recruit me. Thanks, Rage.
  10. Raged

    my shitty DayZ animation - B n B

    That...was... the sweetest thing I've ever seen related to DayZ. Well done. :beans: :beans: :beans:
  11. Raged

    Top 10 Features to Remove

    Your reasoning is completely valid. But removing third-person would really upset a lot of the fan base. I don't use third person for the advantage of killing people, but because I relate this game to a survival mmo than a FPS. With the optimization of first-person in the SA I'll definitely tend to use it more in buildings and tight city streets, because it will obviously have it's advantages, but don't take away my options because of you're preferred play style. Keep third person as a server option, don't remove it entirely. Both sides are happy and server capacities will tell who the majority was all along.
  12. Raged

    Top 10 Features to Remove

    Yes Yes Yes I think you should be able to choose if yours displays or not. Yes Yes No. Again, I believe it's a play-style choice. No. No, but it could be perceivable harder. Weapon attachments only. (IE Laser sight or flashlight)
  13. Raged

    Peripheral dots.

    I think you'd enjoy your time here // http://forums.playwarz.com/forum.php Instead of wasting it here :rolleyes:
  14. Raged

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    Rocket did say at one point that of the three major issues in an apocalypse would include drugs ^_^
  15. Raged

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    Don't quote me on this but I thought I read a Q&A where it was stated they're removing farm animals.
  16. Raged

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    What is the confirmed 'defacation' feature supposed to make us 'feel'? xD The point of the changed loot spawns/rates in the standalone is to actually increase the likelihood of starving to death/being hungry all the time. But I do in fact agree that this isn't necessary to add. It may be a fun addon in the far future, but sticking to realism would make this an unfavored mechanic. People who survive a month are generally extremly careful/skilled. How long would we need to survive/maintain crops to make them come to fruition?
  17. Raged

    Suggestion (Dangerous Animals)

    I'm all for this concept. I even went in-depth with it in my 'Wilderness Survival Aspects' post awhile back. At this point I just want to hear a Yes, No, or Maybe, from the dev team.
  18. I'll highlight the key ideas if some are too busy to read all of this, if you do, thanks for reading even if you only want to flame :thumbsup: Due recently to the graphical artifact and server issues, I've started to adapt and appreciate the mountain man life style. In the standalone I'd hope for more content within the wooded areas. A couple people have suggested more animals, skinning, etc. but the things rocket said about underground structures got me thinking. What about woodland construction? I'll quickly detail how I'd want the other features to work first, as it builds up to the construction idea. Hunting: This isn't a hunting sim, but it is in fact as close to realism as you'll currently get. So with that in mind animals should follow similar detection/movement functions as the infected, but instead of running after you, they run away from you. Every "living" thing within the map (infected aside) needs to eat and drink to survive, and have its own way of going about it. A trickle down food chain if you will. Bears, Wolf Packs, Cougars ---> Deer, Rabbits, Rodents Varieties, Birds ---> Trees, Plant life, Water Sources. Each variety has its own unique uses (Rocket has spoken of a crafting system). It could range from pelts for clothing, to bones for tools/weapons. The possibilities are endless. Crafting/Construction: Wood, pelts, bones, and twine, are the only materials needed for a true mountain man to make shelter. Be it a tent, a hammock, or a tree stand. I think DayZ wishes to instill the "Nowhere is safe" mentality, and what better way then forcing us to no longer expect safety within the woods, but to pray for it? When is the last time you saw a dead bear on the ground and the fact that you didn't kill it is what scares you? Being in someones sights just became a major possibility. Think the Ewok village on Endor, but probably a little bit smaller and more primitive. Unless you and your buddies make a run to the construction yard for actual lumber, smaller trees and fallen branches can make due temporarily. As with the animals the possibilities are endless depending on how "real" you want to get. Thanks again to all who read, even if you don't like it ^_^
  19. Raged

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    I'm up to date on the dev blogs, but has there been any specific mention of the wild life by Rocket for the SA?
  20. I'm glad there's a game on the horizon to be excited for. After the last Hitman release I've been mostly replaying titles. This makes me happy. :)
  21. Raged

    [SA] Firing from cars

    What do you mean by 'civillian proggie'?
  22. You know you've played too much DayZ when you wake up the next morning and can't remember if defending your base from bandits was a dream or not.
  23. Shut up and take your meds, Grandpa.
  24. Raged

    Hiding spots in buildings?

    Sound idea. It would add an entire level of strategy when looting. Just because there's no zed around isn't an indication of zero threat. I like the idea of increasing paranoia. Pointing a gun at a wardrobe for 5 minutes because you 'thought' you saw something :lol:
  25. Raged

    Real-time Mocap and VR

    holy fricking gawd :huh: hope this isn't vaporware.