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About praetoriian

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. We are the NSR. Using a strict chain of command to decide our in-game goals, we have a lot of fun scavenging and fighting for survival. We our highly focused on tactics and enjoy role playing leadership. This doesn't mean you have to be all "Yes Sir" whenever someone talks though, all it means is that if someone of higher rank asks something of you, you will do it for the good of the clan. All members have equal advancement opportunities in rank and regardless of rank you will be treated with respect. Before continuing on this forum, please answer these few questions. If you answer "No" to any of the questions, this is not the clan for you. Are you alright with taking orders if given proper respect? Do you enjoy using tactics when surviving in-game? Would you risk losing all of your in-game possessions to save another member of the clan? If your still here, awesome. We just need to go over a few more things before you become an official member. Chain of Command- Commander- The Commander's duty is to make important decisions and ensure the safety of all his men. Whether that means leading the men on a scavenging operation or deciding which men to send on the rescue mission. Officer- The Officer's duty is make sure that Technicians are supplied and doing their duty. Officers are also second in the chain of command. Technician- The Technician's duty is to follow the orders of his superiors. Whether that means securing a perimeter or administering medical treatment in the field. The technician is by far the most valuable role within our ranks. This is also the beginning rank of all members. Rules- Always show respect to all members, regardless of rank. Obey the Chain of Command at all times. Never disobey an order of a superior. Even if it is completely ridiculous. Speak with a commander if you have an issue with an officers order. Remain active. If this is the clan for you, add Brandonbarker21 on Skype. We also use team speak often for group operations. Thank you and welcome to the NSR. We are also sponsored by the GamingKhaos community and are very thankful for their support.Feel free to visit their website at Gamingkhaos.n.nu !
  2. praetoriian

    Survivors of the Apocalypse Clan [SOTA]

    3 Members total. Going great for the time being.
  3. Everytime i join a clan its fun for the first night or so then everything just comes to a halt. So i've decided to start my own clan. This clan will be structured and Fun. All members must be friendly, social, and have some knowledge of the game. Not much, i just don't want to have to teach you all the controls. Also you must know a little about the general terrain of Chernarus. Where decent loot is found, High player zones, and atleast know the major cities such as Elektrovosk and Chernogorsk. Most of the time we will meet behind one of those major cities. We don't meet on the coast unless we have nothing of value because Snipers and noob hunters will camp the coastline waiting for groups of people to wander into range so he can tear them apart. We generally shoot on sight but if you can, position yourself so that you have the upperhand. Wait, until they are in the open or Wander into a building so that you can kill them when they finish looting the place. Anyway, just have a basic understanding of the game and tactics. You must have a headset, Skype, and Teamspeak. Skype so i can talk with you privately and let you know when we are playing, Teamspeak so we can all play together. Members of other clans may also play with us. We only want people that are social, have manners, and can get along with others. We dont want guys that try to take the lead on everything or start drama. That just ruins the game. Also incase i dont resond to your forum post you can reach me on my skype. Brandonbarker21 From gig harbor. We have a teamspeak server that we can use and we will use that for most of our activities. The application is below. Name- Timezone- Experience- (Stealth, Guns Ablaze, Tactical) How do you like to play the game- If you and another member are arguing how would you handle it- Skype- Ready to play? Then lets get started.