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Everything posted by dahlvash

  1. In before rocket's scolding! In other news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKvxP8l9a8
  2. "Well, thanks for that constructive answer Panda" And thank you for all your nonconstructive complaints and whining :) I sometimes wonder why you play video games if all you find is misery and complaints. I suggest you enjoy a game for what it is.
  3. A name would be nice :P This one is also too short. Everyone that has applied thus far should be on the whitelist (appart from those short/long GUID's and invalid apps).
  4. GUID is 1 character long mate. All others added!
  5. You must provide us with in-game name, location, GUID and reason for joining the server
  6. Please add a reason for wanting to join the server. Then you can enjoy the server :)