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Everything posted by AwesomeLemon

  1. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm near NWAF, and I can provide everything but food sadly. If you still want some help, PM contact me in my signature.
  2. AwesomeLemon

    DayZ Stories

    While looking around for a server for me and my friend to play on without disconnecting every 4 minutes, we laid down in some woods and moved onto the next server, which at the time had about 2 other players on. As we logged in, it was dark and difficult to see. We get our bearings and all of a sudden, we found a bus in the middle of the woods. We had spawned in some persons camp, complete with a tent with a rocket launcher in it (no ammo), and the fully repaired GAZ and Bus. We were shocked and looked around for any players. We didn't find any so we raided the camp, finding zero loot besides the launcher. After some debate, we took the GAZ for a joy ride. Upon our travels, we came across a turned over ATV next to a sign. We couldn't flip it over, so we checked it for loot and continued on our path. Not more than 2 minutes later, we found ANOTHER ATV, this one also on its side, but was able to be flipped. So now we had a perfect condition GAZ and ATV in our possession. We decided to head for the auto factory south of Polana to look for Jerry Cans and additional parts. On our way, we found a drivable Tractor as well! Talk about luck with vehicles. After some couple of minutes of traveling, we decided to switch servers again cause it was causing massive problems in terms of dc'ing us. So instead of just leaving the vehicles on the road, we blew them up with a grenade. What a blast. (Pun intended) *NOTE: To the possible owner of that GAZ, thanks for the fun times. ;)
  3. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can be over there in a few minutes. Currently in Cherno.
  4. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    PM me if you still need help. I can be there in a few minutes.
  5. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Currently in Cherno if anyone needs help. PM me in you require assisstance.
  6. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Im in Zeleno, I can be there in a couple minutes. Just send me a PM of the server your on or add me on Skype [awes0melem0n] (zeros)
  7. AwesomeLemon

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Looking for help near Zelenogorsk. 3700 Blood. If somebody could come aid me, that would be great.
  8. AwesomeLemon

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I would gladly like to attend. I haven't been to the other Meetups so i'm new to the whole thing.
  9. AwesomeLemon

    Hacked guns, hacked guns everywhere.

    I end up with alot of M4A1 Holo SD's in a particular server, along with Helicopters everytime...even after they getting shot down and/or crashing.
  10. AwesomeLemon

    What is the best sidearm to you?

    I personally dont like pistols so i perfer the Flashlight. :D For an actual weapon, I like the M1911.