Love the idea should be added in the topic there also chats about parachutes. I think parachutes should only spawn in the airfields rare chance and then when they are came to be used there is a small chance of your parachute failing to open and you falling to your death. They should also be very weak i think a couple of bullets to the parachute will be enough to make you fall to your death or atleast seriously harm you on landing. I said these 2 points so you have to think now would it be better landing making your team get off and you surveying it from the sky reporting back or actully have them drop in and hope they all land safe A scene i think could be like: Your circling Cherno trying to sort of what part of your team is going where. You decide to air drop in 8 out of your 9 man team dropping in make it one died because he parachute failed you complete your mission you pick him up and regear the dead team mate. The other one could be your circling cherno and decide your going to land and approach it stealth a sniper spots you but instead of taking out a player takes out your aircraft you have barely enough time to jump out and your parachute saved you.