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Posts posted by bates

  1. Yesterday I lost my 4 day old character with an MP5SD6, military flashlight, everything except GPS and NVGs, tons of ammo, food, drinks, almost 300 zombie kills, several murders, by FAR my best success with any of my characters..all due to the fact that ANOTHER person was lagging, so on their screen I was stood still. I didn't even hear the shot. I was randomly walking through some forestry and just fell over, for no reason.

    My response? Who the fuck cares. Fucking deal with it. Who gives a flying crap about gear being taken from you? The most marvelous part of the game WAS NOT taken from you -- the ability to try and survive whatever situation you may be put in. May it be running from a group of survivors, shots pinging off all around you, or shooting a ton of zombies and praying that no bandits home in on you while you are weakened, running around like a madman with flares at night, who cares? It's the fun of the game.

    Today, I met up with a friend who was brand new to the game. We both spawned in Cherno so I decided to run it with him. He agro'd about 30 zombies, and we had to lead them into a building. We were totally overrun with zombies vs. our ammo, and he died. The zombies then surrounded me, and I had no choice but to unload EVERYTHING I had. I survived with 534 blood, and broken legs, in severe pain, racking 24 zombie kills instantly. My clan on TS told me "You might as well just suicide."

    Fast forward a few hours. I've hunted down and sniped two survivors with a CZ550. Taken some blood packs they had. Found a clan member in Mogilevka. Had him give me a transfusion. Tons of food, meat, got almost all my stuff except my MP5SD6 back. Even managed to find myself one of the rarest soda in the game - Mountain Dew. I was being told that I was screwed and that I had no chance -- and made a remarkable comeback, on what is now my current character. For me, THIS is DayZ. Not going down without a fight. Enjoying the game no matter what you have. Showing people you aren't one to be fucked with. Learning from your mistakes. Making those epic triumphs against ALL odds.

    Who cares what you have, or lose? If it's a glitch and you lose stuff, forget it ever happened! You still get to pwn shit up. I sure did today!

    tl;dr BOO FUCKING HOO, don't loot high-traffic zones if you aren't prepared for high traffic risks! :D

  2. So yesterday I was doing this' date=' and all the sudden I turned into a friendly. The screen flashed black then came back with me in a baseball cap.

    The guy had lost me while I was running behind him, and I used Direct Chat and said, "I GOT HIM!" and he replied, "Awh man that was intense!" I then shot him and got my skin back.



    That is the most hilarious fucking story I have ever read about this game. Holy crap. :D

  3. Basic bandit. Our bandit group, Bunny Hop Brigade, are EXTREMELY stealthy players. The chance of you seeing us before we see you is extremely low, and so we usually have the jump. We wait for the right moment, and a clear shot, before making a move. We've been alive for a long time now, lots of medical supplies, tons of food, I have a silenced MP5 that lets us move through zombies really quickly (has 6 mags, also 6 M9 SD mags -- same caliber so it loads in)

    Technically we should be dead by now, we've gotten very lucky more than a few times now - it will only be a matter of time, we can feel it, especially with the risks we take. Most people don't yet realize that the main form of protection is in fact having the first shot, not a better weapon, not more ammo. Stealth and patience prevails, my bandit chums.

  4. Living up north' date=' I can 100% guarantee you I am a Bandit (and always have been), but the game has me tagged as a Survivor.


    Was thinking about this as I was reading through the thread. I'm exactly the same, me and my two buddies use advanced tactics to take down any survivor OR bandit we come across, but as we stay in the northern regions of the map, people aren't exactly regular sightings.
