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Tyga (DayZ)

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About Tyga (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi, about 25 minutes ago i got hacked on the server in the Title. This is what happened: Me and my friend found a van north of Stary Sobor (my ingame name was dogSWAG ;)). shortly after, while we were driving around, we were ported to a position in the south-west corner of the map, it looked like all the vehicles on the server were ported along with us (bikes, cars etc.). my friend logged out, i got shot trying to drive away shortly after by an invisible(?) sniper, sounded like he had a M107. I'd appreciate it if you looked into this, this sort of stuff is really annoying. Anyways, i feel that hacking became less frequent over the last few months, which is really great and keeps this awesome game playable... I know that i can't get my gear back, which is really sad... but maybe you can get him banned, that would be a good substitute. Thank you in advance, Tyga
  2. Hey there, We are a team of 2-4 players and we are looking for german teammates, which is why i will write in german from here on. Wir suchen noch verstärkung für unser Squad. Du solltest freude an taktischem Vorgehen haben, mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein und Mikrofon+Skype besitzen. Idealerweise verfügst du schon über etwas Spielerfahrung und hast freude an automatischen Waffen ;-) Also wenn du bock hast, mit 2-4 vertrauenswürdigen und netten Leuten zu spielen, Crash-sites und Helikopter zu suchen und zu überleben, Adde mich bei Skype (Name ist "Fickelpresse"). Bis dann, Tyga