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About Bestadamire

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. It does it with every server. So I decided to say screw it and update, since its near impossible for me to play an older version. I updated to the new beta DayZ through steam. Then now I randomly get this error. http://puu.sh/9vrfW/c2067ac036.jpg. So I dragged the folder in Arma and placed it into OA. Now every time I try to join a server it gets stuck on loading screen. About to just say fuck it. Idk why this one update messes everything up... EDIT: Completely uninstalling and reinstalling ArmA + Dayz. Wish me luck. EDIT #2: It now works, for anyone having the same problem as me.
  2. Even when I launch it through Steam, I get the same error. Did -mod=@DayZ_Epoch. Still get the error, when server matches my versions.
  3. And when I launch it goes to Bad Version, Server Rejected
  4. I am sure my versions match and I have tried it on multiple servers. I will upload ss soon.
  5. I am. I launch into server with same Epoch version, same Arma version and i still get the error. Still pissing me off. Flexxo uploaded screenshots on this page, that was closed, and he is having the EXACT same problem as me. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186986-fixed-bad-version-server-rejected-connection/page-5
  6. I have followed all these instructions and still get connection failure / wrong version. Repeated all steps probably three times and it still doesnt work. Pissing me off.
  7. Bestadamire


    Ran to Stary. Right as I scrolled to eat rice I went unconscious. JUST MY LUCK
  8. Bestadamire

    Day Z Infection - Difficult is good!

    Yes! The harder the better (thats what she said).
  9. Bestadamire

    Magazine. Not clip.

    Bullet nazi
  10. What blows my mind is how many little kids play this game. At least 1/2 of every serv consists of kids under the age of 17 running around Elektro and Churno killing anyone they see with their starting gear. Annoying.
  11. Bestadamire

    Hacking Tales

    Yeah, the piece of shit got globan banned before he could do anything.
  12. Funny how people refer to the Northern part of the map as boring when the best loot is up there. Beach prowling aint gonna get you nowhere. Make the game how you want it. I find the NE airfield a nice little homestead.
  13. Bestadamire

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    Trust no-one, including the guy yelling friendly through direct.
  14. Just joined the serv, see ya ingame!
  15. Bestadamire

    Why don't people leave the coast?

    Dumb question.