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About LetsbeFriends!

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  1. LetsbeFriends!

    He shot at us, We found him and shot back. *Bonus ATV*

    Yeah the mic was lamed because of the person recording settings. Also my battle cry was amazing and EVERYONE KNOWS THIS.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7gI9oy7WbI&feature=youtu.be =]
  3. Slevin ze Friendly here to let you know that if you watch this that he is sorry about the unintelligible warcry that he uttered while doing whatever it is he does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7gI9oy7WbI&feature=youtu.be
  5. LetsbeFriends!

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    The tent cities have been poofing, had a hacker clear them out the other night. A reset should bring them back out. I took a car tire and some ammo from it, thats about it.
  6. LetsbeFriends!

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    good stuff lamby, The nade was a last ditch effort on my part I only had the sniper on me with no secondary because we were about to go raid some tents lol i was like shitshitshitshit NADE AND PRAY :(. Was a good firefight tho.
  7. LetsbeFriends!

    The first nice player I've seen all day.

    I ran into a guy today we were both pretty ill equipped but we rolled out towards elektro hill to try and pick up some scrappings from the recent firefight. We roll out kill one guy and as I am looting he says "It had to be done" and shoots me in the back. I now KoS everyone.
  8. LetsbeFriends!

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Age: 20 Experience : ~2 weeks but all 2 weeks have been lonewolf firefights in Elektro hills/NWA Have TS/Vent/Skype and mumble. Pref wep - Sniper/M4
  9. LetsbeFriends!

    My AK-74 for your AKM? Yes please!

    pope you so crazy. I ended up losing my as50 but it was recovered by a friend who rarely plays so i know its safe (lol). Finally made it out north hanging out devils castle. Also dafuq living @ cherno?
  10. LetsbeFriends!

    Small group looking for friends

    Being a bandit myself I saw this thread as "we will let you come run with us then you might turn a flashlight on and we will just have to destroy you if your gear is worth our time"
  11. LetsbeFriends!

    Small group looking for friends

    Threats of castration and the knowledge that I will always have a gun aimed at my back, sounds like some super duper fun stuff.
  12. LetsbeFriends!

    Day 2: The day I became a murderer.

    I had a pretty bad gear so i didn't feel bad.
  13. I was hoping the story was going to involve you coming up on 4 carebears that had some loot then laying sweet hatchet justice into that delicious flesh. Pretty let down.
  14. LetsbeFriends!

    Day 2: The day I became a murderer.

    I had that same incident with a g17 about an hour ago, zombie was wigging out on me and i unloaded a whole clip before I said fuck it and used my M4
  15. LetsbeFriends!

    Day 2: The day I became a murderer.

    Sounds good I am about to get on some of that dinner action. Now that we have a sniper between us we can prolly accomplish more lol.