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Everything posted by realspike

  1. realspike

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    any information about 1.7.3 which should have been released directly after gamescom?
  2. realspike

    Is KOS really that big of a problem?

    OHHH I have a great idea!! in my last post i said, ye the game isnt realistic, people wouldnt behave like psychopaths even in a apocalypse. I mean they would shoot people which pose a threat, but in dayz people get shot just for fun a lot too. Thats what happens to me all the time. What about you would implement some kind of consciousness with physical symptoms like shaking, blurry vision, night mares, hallucinations etc..?? a bit amnesia style if you know what i mean. So if you're humanity gets worse, you have to experience more and more of those symptoms randomly. Of course this would affect your combat abilities negatively but you could counteract against it by drugging your conscience. As long as you drink alcohol, take painkillers, tranquiliziers, shrooms, weed (i dont know, any kind of drug u want to implement into the game + the way you can supply yourself with it) its fine and you can fight those symptoms. If your humanity is really really low you need even more to bear that guilt. but i dont like it that your humanity doesnt reset if you start a new character. thats ruining the point of having to start all over again. I think its not possible with this engine but i would love it. let me know what you think about it.
  3. realspike

    Is KOS really that big of a problem?

    Im rarely dying to anything else but people shooting on sight.. Im not that experienced, im not sure if its because im just bad and dont notice them until its too late. Im just gearing up on low pop servers in the nearest city.. then i want to leave the supermarket and get 3 shots in the chest. Next time im able to leave the city and walk 10 minutes through the forest when a sniper shoots +5 times at me and misses all the time, i cant see him i just try to run and hide but get hit once and die immediately. Im not super cautious because i dont play on servers with more than 5 or 10 people... and i rarely get to kill anyone and i rarely shoot first, mostly because i dont see them first. Its a bit demotivating, but i wouldnt suggest any artificial barrier. But in RL you wouldnt hunt people down just because its fun.. its too much just a game from that perspective. I dunno how to solve that situation... i guess the game offers not much possibilities to interact, so to no get bored, people hunt other players.. ye i dunno where im going with this, just my chaotic thoughts..