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About realspike

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  1. so havent checked in here for a while. Whats the current guesstimate for release? im not even sure if its gonna be this year.
  2. i was just camping for a few days and i felt like i played dayz :D
  3. I understood it like they set a timeframe in which they want to release it. They dont have a specific release date but a "release week", so any day in that week. That doesnt mean its out in a week just that they havent decided which day of that week they want to release it. that week could be in 1 month, half a year, next week.
  4. what notes? for me its just too much meaningless content to follow all of it. Just so much redundant talk, i dont have the time to fish out the relevant information.
  5. so whats the recent guesstimate for the release?
  6. realspike

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I think they are kinda leaving the minecraft model and are going to present a much more polished game and thus take a lot more time to finish it. and i think the aspiration is pretty high.... they always plan to do so much in the future but even the basic platform takes forever. DayZ SA does have to be quite a success to offer all this additional content for free instead of a lot of dlc. and dlc is definetely not the minecraft model. so im a bit sceptical.. like no vehicles until approximately fall. vehicles are a lot of fun thats missing then. and i dont trust rockets estimates about release dates anymore.
  7. so can anyone summarize interesting new information? doesnt seem like there were any
  8. just hearing his voice is comforting... no homo
  9. so is there a live stream from pax east for dayz? the panel starts right now
  10. realspike

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    dont play with my feelings! :/
  11. realspike

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Im not an arma player so i kinda wonder for what arma was actually designed for? for me it looks like no matter what you want... the arma engine wasnt designed for it so it screws everything up.
  12. realspike

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    so new devblog today? :puppyface:
  13. realspike

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I didnt follow the latest updates so i just realized now that those items got added in and removed again. and i think more diversity is always good. You probably cant use real brand names and i really dont mind the dev names in game. for me its more immersion breaking to have the same types of food all over again.
  14. how about zombie horses? :D
  15. realspike

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    not a huge fan of q&a's because its a bit like finding a needle in the haystack. Instead of asking about the features at release out of all possible features that will come at some point after release i would prefer it if he just tells and shows us more about what hes actually up to at the moment. but yeah i dont want to be too negative. Its awesome that theres a devblog update to begin with :D