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Fredrik (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fredrik (DayZ)

  1. Didn't see anyone say it, but the teleportthing you didn't get at the start? Hacker, plain and simple. Happened to me to, feel your pain. Luckly I saw posts to avoind bridges before I made the same mistake driving over them. Its a bug, plain and simple. You should remember the bugs, and find a private hive server to avoid hackers. Problems solved :)
  2. Fredrik (DayZ)

    #UK02 14/1012 between roughly 19:30 gmt

    Maby he wanted your gun. Maby it was better. Maby he didn't care you had hero skin. Maby :)
  3. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner/battlebud

    Norge ftw! Også fra Norge, 21 år. Alder er ikke stort problem for meg hvis du er moden når du spiller. Jeg driver på en privat server, så det ikke er no hackere og cheats. Er en 3-4 klaner der. Jeg er i en av de. Alle gjør seg klar for hardcore klankrig. Er du interessert, sjekk denne linken http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/97080-private-hive-server-looking-for-players/. Kan nevne at jeg (Fredrik) sendte deg. Bare vær ordentlig når du spiller, får du sikkert joine. :) Kunne trengt litt mer manpower i klanen jeg er i
  4. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Tired Of This

    Wow, original :P Pee. Your mom must be proud. Oh wait, you probably never had one
  5. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Tired Of This

    My god, why don't you cry about it? :P If its so horrible, quit playing. Sick of all the complaints, its how the game works, deal with it
  6. 9000 blood is good xD if if where 2-3000 you could start needing it. But this you should be able to handle on your own xD
  7. Fredrik (DayZ)

    4 Czech Packs in US 2970

    Hahah, wooooooooow. Czech backpacks, haven't even seen one of those yet.... noo, wait Most useless post I've read this far xD
  8. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Private hive server looking for players

    Followed the links, waiting for reply :)
  9. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Funny Hackers

    I got teleported to a hacker, logged off. Got back on in 2 min, and the hacker talked to another guy, with the same price. He did everything he was told, so I shot him. Never do what hackers want you to do!! :)
  10. Fredrik (DayZ)

    New Squad Recruitment

    Added you on Skype
  11. Yeah, I got all those things.. thats all!
  12. Fredrik (DayZ)

    I want to play a game.

    I would like to do it when I'm playing sometime! :D I for one think this sounds interesting/fun. Even tho I got good gear on, easy to find later. So as my mentor would like to say; CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I'll pm you when I'm going to play sometime :)
  13. Got 4 gps's in my packpack. thanks to snipers in electro. Feelin' good
  14. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Weapon legit or fake?

    Hey, I found an M40A3 sniper (got camo on it) on this dead guy in cherno. Is this a legit weapon in DayZ or not? Haven't seen it before, so I'm not sure. If someone got a page with all the legit and fake weapons in this game, appreciate a link for later findings :)
  15. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Weapon legit or fake?

    Thx for the support against this "stupidbusiness" xD hahah And yeah, I know. But I personally just don't like to use hacked even if I find them :P Had a DMR also anyways, so wasn't so hard to say goodbye :)
  16. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Weapon legit or fake?

    Roger that, leaving it in the woods then (Y)
  17. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Weapon legit or fake?

    So its fake then? Since I didn't find it on the list
  18. Looks really good, but all servers I was on if I died I spawned back 10min before I died with my stuff. Cool at first, but when I got awesome weapons and logged of too play later I spawned back from before without the new stuff. Anoying!!! Also, next time on a different server I logged of to play later. Got back on and had spawned without any of my stuff. Bye bye m24+m4a3cco :/ So I've given that up for now, staying on the original
  19. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Wanting M4a1 CCO SD

    Ofc you want it, its awesome.. Thats all
  20. Fredrik (DayZ)

    zas clan recruiting

    You Need to Be 16: 21 years Have a Mic and Teamspeak: Yup, got it Be Mature and Respectful: Always,haha And Most Importantly...Have Fun: ofc Name: Fredrik In-game Name: Fredrik Age: 21 Location: Norway What Games you Play: fallout, halo, Cod, assassins creed, ect Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Know all I need to know Why do you want to join? Want a clan that I can hang with, do some missions ect Skype: Fredrik_osv
  21. Hey all I want to play more tactical in this game, where people got their different roles in the group. Doesn't need to be the biggest group, but it need to have it organised. And it must use european servers, so I know I can get on them Does anyone recruit on this terms, write here, PM me or add me on skype: Fredrik_osv
  22. Fredrik (DayZ)

    Looking for a tactical group

    I'm 21. And what kind of operations? PM or something, and tell me about how your group works and how many is in it