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Everything posted by omg!the_pope!

  1. omg!the_pope!

    Replay Value Dwindling

    The random killing is frustrating.....but is a fun part of this game. Too many attempted friendly encounters on my behalf have resulted in a few shots to the chest. Unless I am playing with a friend or someone I know is friendly, I treat everyone as hostile, I leave unarmed people alone, unless they are heading straight for a weapon. It would be cool to see some aspects added into the game that would promote teamwork, maybe generating electricity, or the ability for people to specialize and build things, etc etc "insert cool idea here". That could help with the random PVP but it is never going to go away.
  2. omg!the_pope!

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey guys, couple weeks in to this game, fantastic mod! in game name is OMG!THEPOPE! as well, looking for other survivors to go hunt down some bandits. I have team speak and I work rotating shifts so I am on at all times of the day.