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About DemonSlayer666

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    Gaming, hunting, fishing, camping, table tennis

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    Jack of all trades
  1. DemonSlayer666

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    I do not think that word means what you think it means. You're supporting my premise by reinforcing that it's not realistic. That's the basis of my point and why I say you get shot in the face in the game. It isn't real. Just because you want it to be real, no matter how bad, doesn't make it so. And it certainly doesn't preclude others from seeing it for what it is, a game.
  2. DemonSlayer666

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    More Ninja Scroll I guess. But I'm talking about what you look like to other people in game. You're just an animation. The game's limitations make you a very poor likeness for a human. You have no emotion, no facial expressions, and no body language. You barely look human, and worse still, you look like everyone else. You're only human trait is your voice, and that's if they bother talking to you. When someone shoots you, they don't see loss of life or pain. They see a somewhat comical fountain of red coming from a robot like persona that simply falls over. There's no gore or blood splatter. There's no remorse. Expecting people to be nice when they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet is silly. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. It's better to expect that behavior, because you cannot change it. The only thing you can do, is not do it yourself. Oh, and Ninja Scroll rules. One of the best I've seen. It's up there with Akira and Ghost in the Shell.
  3. DemonSlayer666

    New players joining and looking for tips

    Read the Dayzwiki. It will give you needed to know info that won't spoil the game content. Learn how to move, chat, use your inventory, get a new backpack, swap weapons, use the hatchet, etc. Tip #1 - be patient. This is not a shoot-em up. #2 - Learn how to avoid the zombies, and lose them if they get on you. After that, you can start gearing up. #3 - watch out for other players. Avoid them if you can. Many will shoot you as soon as they see you. Keep your trips to major cities short (get in and get out quick).
  4. DemonSlayer666

    Matches....gimme some matches!!

    Matches always seem to be my bane as well. It's happened may times. Hatchet, check. Hunting knife, check. Matches, hell no. I have had the best luck in supermarkets.
  5. DemonSlayer666

    Can't get myself to buy it for one reason

    That sounds like connection issues to me, not the game. I have not experienced what you have seen, and have been able to outrun every zombie I have come across. They used to be very sporadic, and now ( path pretty well - although sometimes they still run away from me before closing, but once they do, they don't teleport around like before. I highly recommend getting this mod, even though the standalone will eventually come out, it's still a ways off. The benefits seriously outweigh the detriments in this mod. It's a unique experience, unlike any game I have ever played. I haven't been this immersed in a game since I played the Aliens mod for Doom II.
  6. DemonSlayer666

    zombie spawn rate

    I have noticed it doesn't take long for zombies to respawn. If I kill the zombies around a deer stand, by the time I get up into it, the zombies respawn underneath, and I have to clear them again, or wait for them to wander off. I've learned it's best not to even kill them unless you must. It's a little frustrating that you can't kill all the zombies in an area and start looting. It's more about sneaking past them. I don't know if this is a bug, by design, or just a server side setting.
  7. DemonSlayer666

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    Don't expect other players to treat you like a person when you are just a cartoon. It's part of the game, and the game has it's limitations. It's not real life. It's entertainment. I'm not condoning the OPs actions, but I agree with what he is saying.
  8. DemonSlayer666

    [GUIDE] Keybindings & Tips For New Players

    While prone, double tap A or D.
  9. I can't believe you gave out your bicycle spawn, but you got my beans anyway.
  10. DemonSlayer666

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    Han Solo was friendly, but he certainly shot first. But in all seriousness, I am a solo player (no pun intended), and just avoid other players when I see them. I don't want to detract from their play experience. It's frustrating enough learning how to play with a clunky interface, then eventually getting good at avoiding zombies, and finally finding the stuff you need just to survive so you can go look for better stuff!
  11. DemonSlayer666

    Basic Controls Guide (for new players)

    There may not be a jump key, but there is "v" for vaulting over stuff like low fences. Very useful.
  12. DemonSlayer666

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    If they start moving faster than I do, then they are too fast. Then again, I do have a full Alice Pack, an AKM, M1911, an Axe...
  13. DemonSlayer666

    Gaining good equipment.

    I don't mind the help at all. Thanks! I have yet to see a bicycle, but I do agree with avoiding the big cities. Sure, I have done the nothing-to-lose rush into Cherno or Electro, to get what I can and get out, but that's only with the spawns that are close. Otherwise I don't bother. I love spawning next to Kamenka. :)
  14. DemonSlayer666

    My game experience of my last 7 lives.

    I'm on about life 20 or so, and I have yet to die to a hacker.
  15. DemonSlayer666

    No food?

    Food can most commonly be found in supermarkets. But, there have been times when I go in and there is no food at all. Try again later. The best way to get food, is to make your own. Find an axe, matches, and a hunting knife, then kill animals for their meat and cook it up. Because, if you don't reload your axe, you can't swing it to kill zombies. :)