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Everything posted by Magzire866

  1. Magzire866

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    nope, barely get a frame
  2. Magzire866

    Jump in sales?

    looks legit, just the vast amount of hackers rebuying
  3. Magzire866

    Hack so controls other players?

    anyone know where i can get this hack lol jk
  4. Never played a game where hackers completely destroyed the game. Spending hours to create your character to be guaranteed lost to a hacker eventually is just to annoying. I really want to play Dayz. Absolutely pointless and waste of time.
  5. Magzire866

    Could I run Dayz?

    450watt seems really low but you have fairly new stuff, so of course you can play.
  6. Magzire866

    Green Mountain Announcement

    my god you sound like the biggest geek alive lol ;)
  7. Magzire866

    Cheater on server

    you're admin on a server right. dont you know better. posting stuff here wont change anything. only battle eye can ban.
  8. Magzire866

    Huey VS Blackhawk

  9. Magzire866

    Well whats left to do?

    I've ran 1000s of miles searching of loot. Enough tents full of crap to supply a full server. Countless hours wasted on that fucking heli. Killed the snipers. Now its just too boring. This game will have a short life.
  10. Magzire866

    Well whats left to do?

    Some great ideas. Last one would be amazing. There be something to play for.
  11. Magzire866

    AKM or DMR?

    You loco. DMR!
  12. Magzire866

    Well whats left to do?

    lol low pop? iv been hacked everyday on the full servers, its all i join.
  13. Magzire866

    Finally: Killed by hacker

    At least your stuff might be on the your dead body
  14. Magzire866

    Am i banned for forever?

    Nah must of been his dog
  15. Magzire866

    Am i banned for forever?

  16. Magzire866

    Am i banned for forever?

    Well what do you think? Go on take a guess.
  17. Magzire866

    Well whats left to do?

    If you got .5 version more than welcome to fill you fat face in. dmr/l85aws/as50/m107/m16acog/m4 holo-cco/mk 48 mod/ gps/range/nvg/ghillie and even more
  18. Magzire866

    2 Helicopters flying around creating havok

    damn that looks fun, bastards lol
  19. Magzire866

    Need immidiate medical assistence !

    still need help? 2 mins from there
  20. Magzire866

    Calling for MASS HIVE WIPE <---|

    Playing on your own or something? How you not get hacked yet. Everyday it happens to me..EVERYDAY day!
  21. Magzire866

    Banned without any reason!!

    His words against yours. Nothing you can do.
  22. Magzire866

    Thought this was funny...

    damn those 12,000 hackers that were banned sure are persistent