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About Rampo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rampo

    DE 75 - Hacker

    file:///D:/arma2oa%202012-08-11%2018-24-49-61.jpg hope this work, since this hack my pc´s nervous^^
  2. Rampo

    DE 75 - Hacker

    all players,animals and tons of vehicles (like 30 busses,a heli, boats etc.) portet to one single spot @ 019/004 of course a lot of players start shooting and all that stuff and now all the vehicles still there... a teammate said maybe it was "thunderdome"-cheat and still making screenshots i got this on fraps, but not the port, only i relog all the vehicles still there and i startet fraps... and yea, my english is pretty bad:) lg Rampo i really hate cheaters/hackers-> come play fair one on one >:( screenshots in a few minutes...
  3. pm ist raus, hört sich sehr gut an!:) @Narktor: Sag mir lieber warum ich jedes ******* mal aufm nw-airfield keinen gescheiten loot bekomme Oo :( Streichhölzer hab ich (je nach spawn) in cherno oder elektro bisher immer in den blauen high value gefunden, ansonsten aber auch nirgends... lg