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Posts posted by alex_senvirios2@hotmail.com

  1. Me and my friends were driving to our camp from Stary loot run when a server reboot occurred. Our vehicle was saved and it didn't rollback but on our way we saw a helicopter next to a road. None of our group knew how to fly helicopter so it was really stressful to land without the auto hover (we didn't know about it back then). We finally landed it near our camp and then i started thinking how the hell there was a unguarded helicopter next to a road? Then i remembered that there were a server reboot. If you don't already know what happened(maybe) well, Vehicles are saved when someone exit's the vehicle and no one is inside so, the guys who had the helicopter probably landed it there and left the helicopter for some stupid reason (pickup,loot etc.) and then got up in the air and then bam! server reboot. The vehicle spawns to the location where it last was saved and the guys who were inside the helicopter are spawned in the air (where helicopter was when dc). It was pretty far up in north and we found it like 5-15mins after the reboot.

    If youre bored to read: We looting stary> server restart> leave stary after reboot> 5-15min find heli> guys who had the heli before, were spawned up in the air and died

    > we get heli(fully repaired)

    Im sorry if you lost your heli in Norway 25 around 29.7 - 31.7

    We lost it quick after too cause: http://dayzmod.com/f...-hacker-or-bug/

  2. This has happened to us, without a server restart. One of my clan mates was 10 feet behind our V3S, moving things into a tent from it. 1 minute later, he turned around to find the V3S gone. It would be impossible to be driven off that quickly and without noise. 10 minutes later I watched a red UAZ literally disappear while scoping it out. Restarted server, vehicles came back. Yesterday, after a regualr server restart, all vehicles and tents refused to spawn till two more restarts were performed. We check three sites we set up with tents and 4 sites of others we know exist and none of them had any tents or vehicles. It was the strangest thing...

    Was this in 25 too? or some other server?

  3. Did you actually pay anything to warrant a refund? Last I checked the mod was free of charge.

    Back on topic though, it's actually almost frequent for vehicles not to load in with the server after a crash/restart, it just means the server needs to be restarted again and that pretty much fixes it.

    By refund i mean if we could get our vehicles back, but its a stupid question, i know and i also think it wont be "refundable".

    You did not read carefully, you saved the cares for sure when you first see it or after you repaired something, same with the tents. They were saved the first time empty or at a other location. After the server restart the cars and tents are loaded in their first saved state: The cars at their spawn point, the tents empty.

    Its an annoying bug, i wait for a fix before i continue playing. Luckily Hotfixes comes very fast :)

    We went to check the old hatchback place to see if the vehicles were resetted to their original location, The old hatchback wasn't there.

  4. Whilst playing on 95417/ Dayz. Myself and a number of people I play with have noticed that tents and vehicles are not saving equipment within them.

    So if a user/player saves a vehicle/tent it only remembers the first save's worth of items. If the user then places another item in after the first initial save, hit's save again it does not retain that weapon/item unless it was initially placed in the tent/vehicle upon the first save.

    Thats not what happened, see. Our cars were gone / disappeared and our tents were still there, unlooted.

  5. Me and my couple friends started playing on the Norway 25 server when it was relased. On our journey we found 2 busses, 2(5(3 flipped, gg)) Atv's, 1 Motorcycle, Helicopter, Hatchback, GAZ, Ural. Yesterday (1.8.2012) Around the 5-7 o'clock server restart (GMT+2), All of our vehicles were gone. You may think they were stolen BUT! We always move all of our stuff we find in our "rides" around Chernarus to our tents because we once had our camp inside Ural and that Ural got stolen while looting Stary. So why the tents weren't stolen? 1. Someone found our helicopter and destroyed our camp from air and he didnt see our tents? 2.There is a bug that my friend told me that other group had had it(Vehicles Disappeared while serv. restart(it was on forums(no link))) 3.Admin found our camp and destroyed the vehicles cause we had so many and wanted to share them. 4.Hacker(!!!OR!!! Admin) resetted them??? to get them to his camp?

    Did anyone else have this kind of problem?

    Is there a way to reach the admins? (Their Teamspeak server doesnt work ( I dont know if its me or the host is down))

    If i am right, there's no refund or anything?

    Please tell me if there's a different section for this kind of posts.
