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About Flamez44

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  • Location
    Center, TX
  • Interests
    Pc repair, Paintball, Post-Apocalypse games, movies, well everything =D
  1. I have one of their servers, and i gotta say I LOVE it! its VERY reliable, the support is very fast, and they are super helpful and friendly. Best host ive EVER used. not just for DayZ
  2. Sorry to make ya feel like a dumbass, but our only server is Us 1946. and No, we are not kicking, unless you break the rules listed. They have been pre-approved per DayZ staff.
  3. Flamez44

    Full Reset

    Correct, hackers will have to be handled seperately, but the MAJORITY of players are not hacker, they majority are just dupers. Resetting would create a good amount of time of real gameplay, ALSO allowing the developers to notice any new, or added glitches/duping.
  4. Flamez44

    Full Reset

    I believe the connection to the primary *server* that saves all vehicles, people, equpitment, tents, EVERYTHING. Should be erased. The abuse and hacking has caused WAY!!!! 2 much damage, and at this point, is the only solution. This mod is Alpha, these resets r to be expected. People will complain one way or another. Might as well be productive to ALL players. I think this should be done AFTER the majority of the duping glitches with vehicles, players, zombie bodies, tents, ect are gone. That way this game can have a *real* or *normal* feel.
  5. Flamez44

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Ya know, their is a simple fix to this. DONT allow others 2 host their own servers, Keep the DayZ in charge. If they cant afford the server upkeep, their shouldnt be that many players. Im tired of this debate, and im tired of all the complaining. That is the ONLY logicial idea. That way, ppl cant say *km paying for it, its my way or the high way* If moneys tight, charge a small monthly fee to cover servers. If players enjoy the game that much, they will. YEs your player base will drop *ALOT* but it keeps the current community FAIR.
  6. Please, for all further issues, contact me directly, instead of disrespecting me on the fourms, i really dont appreciate it.
  7. I own that server, and ive been kicking over 150 ping. I posted that in the MOTD. Im sorry for any inconvience. I do ALSO kick for hacking, as well as offensive names *IE the clan F.A.G.S*. SO before you rant and rage, please follow the rules given. If you have any issues, feel free message me, or choose another server.
  8. This is a VERY controversial issue. the Kill or be Killed. Trust. How far can *trust* go in this game? Is the threat zombies or players? In an interview with Rocket, i learned this game is an experiment. Its sued to see how ppl deal and interact with others and in givin situations. People are scared. Everyone is scared of loosing stuff, hell im even scared. What we have to do *if your a realism fan*, is look at this a bit deeper. Is the trust u *could* earn from this player, worth the chance of a stab in the back? How do u know that other players goals or intentions? People dont want to take a chance, they feel safe with killing. And in seriousness, it is the safest method. A dead player cant kill you. But, like previously quoted, what IF you were the player with the hatchet? You dont know what people will do, and thats why they are the ultimate prey. They are unpredictable. With that your forced to make a choice. Everyone will make their own, dependent on the situation, ususally the one that benefits them. SO why argue about morality, when in fact your the hippacrit? Ive killed players, yes, i felt threatened, and killed them. If you wait for them 2 shoot @ u, u have the chance of dying. Im not a person 2 trust others easily IRL, so why would i virtually? I guess, all in all, what im trying to get across, is if EVERYONE has this KOS mentality, the game will be a PVP game with a side of zombies, instead of a zombie game with a side of PVP. And us, as a community, and DayZ as an alpha mod, have the choice to shape that. Im not saying trust everyone. Thats your choice. Just quit complaining because you made the choice on your own free will. Always look @ both sides of the situation and THAT my friends will open your eyes to realism and reality.
  9. Well waiting games blow.... rofl comon BE step it up a notch please??
  10. Yep, I have ElpisHost, and having the same issues. Its a BattlEye Master server problem. Issue Confirmed =D
  11. Flamez44

    Pending Update: Build

    Thats my primary question. Im excited =D
  12. Flamez44

    Question: What does Map On mean/do?

    Anyone know, from the server side of things, how to add or remove this option?