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About Airhead

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I found a World War Two combat flight sim called Air Warrior back in 1994 on AOL (remember that?) I got addicted to so Airhead became my handle. Those that know me through various games think it's appropiate.
  2. Airhead

    A good non PvP server out there?

    What Sula says- other than a tragic firearms accident I haven't killed anybody in four months' worth of playing, and only occasionally does anyone shoot at me. Far more annoying than getting shot is listening to the squeakers and griefers banter about on side chat- to get an idea of what I'm talking about just look at some of the comments in this thread. The self described "hardcore PvP players" are obviously kids being raised by a single Mom who have never shot a real gun or older middle aged guys frustrated with their lives who are ticking time bombs and would go Postal without the stress release of shooting noobs. Think outside the box- we have cars and a race track. Let's race for pinks OK? For a break.
  3. Airhead

    A good non PvP server out there?

    Unlike first person shooter games DayZ encourages a certain degree of cooperation for survival. Needing a partner for a transfusion, the ability to store gear in tents and vehicles, and the necessity of food make DayZ much more than a shoot on sight FPS...I've played those types of games, and while fun after a period of time they get boring. If your style is shoot on sight then cool, whatever floats your boat..but you're missing out on many aspects of the game that I find more interesting than shooting unarmed noobs from 500 yards away, or ambushing survivors for no other reason than I can. I play because of the cooperation required for survivors to thrive in a hostile environment. I know this makes me a pussy in the eyes of some, but the possibilities for social interaction in DayZ and the ability to form groups is much more interesting to me than shooting unarmed or unaware noobs in the back. The need for subsistence, a partner for blood transfusions, and the ability to store, save and trade gear make this a more social experience than a typical FPS...I enjoy finding gear, storing it and then giving it away or trading it more than I enjoy getting shot at, although a bullet whizzing by your ear is exciting. Don't get me wrong- I'm not complaining over getting shot, because that's part of the game and I usually congratulate those that get me. But DayZ is a much broader experience than a FPS, at least for me, and there's other aspects of the game I find more enjoyable than the shoot on sight mentality. Above all though, it's your game so play it how you like and have fun... it's all good.
  4. I press the download key and nothing happens. I'm sure it's something stupid because frankly I'm not very bright- any ideas?