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About Seattle

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle Safe Zone
  • Interests
    I am a Zombie genre fan. i really enjoy the human aspect of post apoc fiction and how its depicted. Fallout, borderlands,rage left 4 dead, half life, the list goes on and back a lot of years.

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  • Bio
    married,kids,dog,2 cars etc, was living a pretty normal life before DayZ. now we just try to survive.
  1. Seattle


    i was banned from combat arms when it first came out, i had killed a guy and he dropped a black, scar i think it was, of course dropping your main arm was a mechanic of the game at the time. i had played ...oh 3 matches by this time i grabbed it thought to myself cool gun. and started using it, well some crybaby complained on the forums and i ended u banned. i didnt use a script to spawn it but i sure got raped for it. and guess what? me and the clan folks i was with at the time never played combat arms after that day. if i saw you or was killed by you with a hacked in weapon, i would ban you on my server and let you complain to someone else, its my money i pay to LET dayz be tested. im not wasting my money or time on maybes or "but i just found it on a dead guy" if thats wrong and against some rules then i question the rules as being favorable to hackers. and thats a no sale for me. and most likely a lot of other people sick and fucking tired of goin gon the server and seeing a city on fire and cows flying around and getting tele raped by some child minded dbag. but thats what i would do. i have had only one complaint out of 15 or so people banned, and that guy was spawning helos into the game and had the gumption to email me and say it was a atv and th logs are using the wrong wording. i said you can take it up with team rocket. and left it at that. my servers not blacklisted, as far as i can tell, so meh. moral is dont pick it up if you think its a naughty naughty then bury it on a zed. if you run across people afk and you goto kill them and cant loot them and bury it on a zed. it really pisses em off, and with the logs and other anti chats recently, things get picked up and people get banned. see thay have to respawn all that nice gear, the nvgs and ammo and such. and since they spawned it on another serv er....well the logs they may pick it up and may auto kick em. ' what i hate is in my server files i keep getting skins of axe dentist and a sound file folder with stupid old games sounds in it. totally dont sound like stero in game sounds. you just cant win with this mod. dont use the weapons bury em strip afk d bags if you cant kill em, and dont take any...."hurpa its a camo skin glitch makes me super man" coz the guy next to them is in a regular skin and takes 50 hatchet hits to the head body legs head and 4 clips of 45 cal to the head and its acamo skin glitch roflmfao.
  2. Seattle

    It Sounds Like It's Not Even About Zombies

    congratz youve downloaded a murdersim populated by skiddies and social misfits that think dayz means kill on sight fuk all else. have fun dying dying dying and when you do manage to grab some gear and make your way north youll die again. see they are in the skies watching you, the birds man they follow you. or the cows they will talk to you. or some dipshit will drop you from 100 feet in the sir and you will spend two whole days stuck in a coma wishing you jad never downlaoded the game. but the mods free, you may end up finding other arma2 mods much more fun. the core ideas nehing dayz were great, the first couple of months were awesome. but sadly its deevolved into a spawn, murder as many people as possible die re spawn rinse and repeat. it lacks any kind of um.... fun factor after a week. dont know what plans are in store for the future but i much more enjoyed the game a couple months ago. now its die by super mike tyson carl lewis zombies. cant raid the good areas, too many glitches from the additional crap they put in. cant keep your tents cant keep a vehicle. half the time you may spawn as far north as possible were you logged off, the rest on the beach and maybe youll still have gear. it started out great, the mods steadly went downhill. but thats my opinion, other people love the game they are bandits they just kill everyone whos new until everyone else starts killing on sight. theres not much point in doing anything but murder the first person you see and each one after that. have fun! i will play until the server rental contract expires and hopefully some other game catches my eye, i still havent played dead space 2.
  3. sorry to interrupt this engaging session of experts discuss thier opinions. i actually have a question. what are the latest builds or files i would want to run on our server? i see this: Dayz / HIVE 0.7.3 / 95948 Beta Patch / Battleye Latest Patch 8/14/12 LATEST available in our servers cp. we are running : (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) do i need a arma update to 95948? and install the server update? do i need any other files like in the original op? thank you for any help rendered.
  4. my server i havent seen a chopper wreck a chopper a car a truck a bike, i did find a couple boats. no vehickes in known spots. i fear some corrupted scripts from a script injected into our servers, sadly im still learning whats what with server logs.
  5. Seattle

    HFB Customers - Regularchecks

    Thanks for the heads up. people always want to be anon d bags for the lulz. sheesh. anything that helps keep skiddies under the foot is great news and welcome on my HFB hosted server. as it stands i think my server is still having issues with vehicle spawns and loot spawns as they dont seem to be happening.
  6. Seattle

    Switching packs with dead players?

    confirmed and i read the topic title and came here to say the same thing. also if you want to put stuff straight into your pack, look at the gear on the ground then open your inventory, goto your bag and open it ti should look different and show you how many slots are left just like in your pockets. you will see the items on the floor and can add them straight to your pack instead of picking them up and maybe shuffling stuff around from your pockets into your bag.......then picking the rest of the stuff up and more re arranging........ but do empty your pack you are wearing first either into your pockets or into the other pack or onto the ground. remember packs will lose items if they are full and you add more stuff. and you can lose everything out of you pockets, and your pack too. i seem to think its in heavier waters you lose the pack and stuff. deeper east shore waters seem to roll more than the south beach waters do. or maybe thats just me i live near the sea so i unno i boat a lot too, wish there were more boats in dayz more types maybe a jet ski or speedboat, or even larger craft, a landing craft would be awesome. and on the sea note a carrier to explore fight army zombies and loot some milspec stuff? something out of sight and takes a lot of gas like a one way half way there point of no return trip. or else your in for the swim of your life and sick as a dog and gearless, or you raid that ship. sorry for the tangent i live in seattle, we have a HUGE naval yard across the sound, it has a lot of ships tied together a LOT, my friends and i always thought seattle would make a great area for a zombie movie, we got cities, we got wildserness, and to be honest this games map looks a lot like the coiuntry side around here, and the rain, lol its like playing in the woods as a kid again. with zombies! im waiting for valve to make l4d3 in seattle, i mean they used psrt of our underground for l4d2...sigh. on topic, careful with your bags. and if you see a czech vest keep away from it tis smaller than your starting bag and for some reason eats everything you put into it, mine did.
  7. Seattle

    Managed Server Information

    i think you should just try to find the "apply for a server here" topic and read it or a server hosting rules topic. you might find links to the proper pages to do what you are wishing. good luck!
  8. ive used hfb, and only hfb for dayz. i had what in my opinion were silly issues created by multiple launchers and installers and files etc. i wish i found out siz updater was nuking my update and reverting the files. before i started updating.but once i was explained what issues were dayz and which were server. my interactions with both hfb and dayz support were excellent in the end even though i acted like a entitled douche a bit, they were implicitly polite, and more than willing to look into the issues as i encountered them and gave me the proper instructions to put everything everywhere. who cares if they are reselling servers? thats the whole point of server farms so people will resell them......fking people man get real. you think go daddy started with a giant server wherehouse full of racks and techs 24/7? fking get a clue. mostly towards the banned troll who of course will still lurk these boards like a good troll does. piss off anti social fool. so people going about . i hear this host has better service is butthurt because they didnt get immediate service and a fix or the issues THEY think are all consuming and important much more than the other 237 tickets posted well before they decided to log on the cp. i have extremely high standards for customer service. granted the first interactions may have been rushed and not addressing the issues to my desire, but when i let them know that we pay and havent been playing for xxx reason they stepped up and fixed the shit. i appreciated the help they gave and the personal touch. is a nice contrast to the game world. so individual experiences may vary, but i was always taught you get out what you put into it, treat people like you want to be treated,you catch more flys with honey then vinegar. you want good customer service dont act like a entitled d bag, (disclaimer im not pointing my 1911 at anyone but you know who you are if you look in the mirror) type your issues clearly, with as much data or info as you can. dates times, machine specs etc. say please and thank you. not "hi thanks for choosing taco hell, what can i get started for you today? did you hapen to catch our daily special? butthole burners are 12 for 7 right now!.......please order when you are ready ;) " " gimmie 2 dozen asshole fire eaters and two large cokes!" "ok repeats order...and will ther be anything else today? your total is.....please pull forw...." "*engine rev sounds getting quieter" :ok how are you doing today?" "can i get extra hot spice with those and some napkins you never give me enough napkins with all this greezy food you serve" "um ok sir heres you go and have a great afternoon!" "*engine sounds dinimishing* now come on folks. anyone of us who has had to work at anywhere dealing with people in the food or service or retail industries, fking KNOWS people are assholes for no reason. now how about giving the people who are actually providing a place to survive, or the very application you are trying to survive on a thank you instead of a fuck you?
  9. Seattle

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    if it walks like a zombie, and it talks like a zombie, and it smells like a zombie......
  10. Seattle

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    so hypothectically.. replace zombies with ....... infected chimps, i mean its not a streatch to visualize those hoppers lol, replace the skin, make the arms longer and then they can swing thru the trees ahead of you to block you off. zombie chimps? did i say zombie? no i said infected. or make them elk deer giraffes, aliens, mobile gelentous cubes ffs. shimmering sparkle were pigs. does it still matter to the core of the game? day Z its zombies, zombies zombies. zombies are infecteds. infecteds are zombies. brains fried, rage and eating flesh or protien the most easily attainable source would be humans. they are the risen dead, recently expired. one is enraged and infects you.; beat you to a pulp and maybe in its fever burned out short circuiting brains its primal rage and basic need to feed due to massive expended energies..... the other is still infected and will infect you if bitten. they tend to be slower the longer they have been walking dead, but fresh ones seem to be still having the remaining synapses connected to enable the balance, i figure once the rot starts fluids fill the inner and outer ear thus making them stumble and shamble. they still have a need to eat, they will bite and beat you until your tenderized flesh is soft enough to render asunder and be shoved down a gullet, like marvel zombies a insane desire to always eat. but in marvels case eat like a boss. so unless you are talking bout a golem, which is more reanimated clay with the blessings of god etc. or even a frankenstien which os a over charge of at the time the newly discovered electricity and its resorative properties. apply current to cadaver see cadaver twitch though its heart is stopped as you can clearly see thru the hole we made in his side. or even the demonic fantasy zombie which is still a rotting meat bag. or the evil dead army of the reanimated dead. they are fucking zombies. infecteds are classified as the higher brain functions are irreversibly damaged. the stupor of wandering around with a blown fuse. then the rage as something move disturbing your stupor you must destroy it so you can go back to the calm stumble about walking into walls and off cliffs etc. its brains fried man, romero zombies brains are fried, frankenstiens brains are fried. golems have no brains mud and straw and holy relics, items, symbols. one last thing. its a zombie game man, or else it was and now it has evolved into a bandit game with zombies as a distraction. if the name changes to dayb with the "beta/alpha/what ever they decide to label it" or days or dayi or iday or vday or dayv for virus wouldnt surprise me. as if they aint zombies then why is it called dayz? if the man says infecteds and yet its a zombie survival sim....with infecteds then the accepted name should be zombies as obviously the man understands the difference yet still uses dayz and the term zombies. everyone elses OPINIONS mine included are moot. zombies are infected, infected are zombies. notice the leave out of voodu zombies, as they are not actually living dead but chemically altered and convinced they have died been buried and risen from the long sleep and should now do the priests bidding. not the same genre. but shares a striking similarity to movie and book zombies, the dead and rising from it part, the fried brains from drugs and potions and poisons, just enough left in the brain pan to hear and do the most basic and simple of tasks. so to sum it up, everyone is right and everyone wins TEH cokkie!!!11!1 now about those one hit knockout broken legs bleed out zzombies wtf i thought i was slightly faster how do they catch up and do that from behind? im running away any blow should be lessened as both objects are traveling at roughly the same speed in the same direction. oh and what ever you call them they arnt supposed to see me from behind in the dark. across the field roughly 200m away and come sprinting. totally breaks the immersion factor. that and the teleport thru walls and me and trees and then hitting from nowhere, and how almost everytime when i crouch to check a map, they spawn in packs right on top of me..... and watching a town from the hill thru glasses and seeing nothing for 5 minutes then jogging down and 20 zombies suddenly spawn around me ....remove them and let the players have full free roam add more enterable bldgs and let peopel DM the apoc away. as the zombies as they stand are broken to what ever infected or zombie cannon ofiction known. of course if they are phantasms that are phasing thru us and the walls, then call it dayp please lol jk
  11. interesting convo folks. does anyone know of a ...say example list of common cheats and what they look like n which log? i have seen several different examples but it would be nice for people newer to arma or hosting dayz to have a sticky thats updated to compare our logs with... is there one? as if i knew exactly what im supposed to be looking for, i would spend less tiem online searching if such and such was cheating, and more time banning cheaters. im 90% positive my server is being used by a group... i found 5 of them in a church backyard all face to the wall and i filled heads with leaqd, i chopped knees until my arms hurt, then i shot them pointblank in the side of the head, chopped with htchet too many times to count. looted em and put it all on a dead zed, hid the zed kept the nvgs and range finder, all those pretty rifles and all that nato ammo. all those morphines and epi pens and the 5 anti biotics i kept 2. i even took the toolbelt stuff and buried it with the dead zombie. then i grabbed uids and kick banned. but they come back. again and again. finally i just stop the server and goto bed.. next day i finally manage to get these new scripts and files onto my server and they hac=vent come back, id be pissed to come back from afk to find my self weapon and gearless in the middle of cherno along with my 4 buddies. well now im sure that the birds they follow me. the zombies one hit and knock out and break bones. the ones in the blue overcoats seems the others are faster then me too as they keep hitting me in the back when im running, but the birds,they swoop and squawk and keepo circling above me where ever i go. also i cant find anything in known vehicle spawns excpet blown up vehicles, no cars trucks helos etc. just boats. havent seen a bike or a atv or a car or truck in a long time. sigh if there is anyone "pro style" admin that would like to take questions or look at my logs or tell me specifically what to do and where to write a line to exclude these pukes from jumping on my server, i got serial killer skin and audio files i cant even delete from my server cfg....lol anyone please help?
  12. sadly i cannot, the server cp is not giving that option or any options at all, i will make a ticket asking them to remove it i guess. thanky ou for the info. everyone is fresh off the boat one time.
  13. thank you! i think i knew that, but ive read so much today and so many forums and files and scripts my eyes and brain needed confirmation. also i didnt get what you said about player skins...? surely this isnt supposed to be in dayz? yet? and these are also in the same folder.... these cant be supposed to be in there right? the sounds come from that you tube video where the guys hiding then killing people he has scared with these sounds. i can delete these? and will the new log files catch this type of stuff out?
  14. will these files, block stuff like the dentist or seagulls? and there shouldnt be a skin texture file on my server files with the jason mask should there? and a sound file with silent hill siren and chain saw and unter sounds lol, my servers screwed isnt it? create the files that dont have a file in the server right? put the txt files into the server cfg right? im new to all this. i am looking threu the lgos i have already seen so many of the same confirmed cheats.....sigh, today i saw seaguls, everywhere i went. and the zombies on our server see us from way too far away, like really really reallly far away. and they one hit knock out and break bones, what gives what file should i look for to tone the zombies down?
  15. Seattle

    What about Green Mountain?

    green mountain? its easily avoidable, you can go around sit ro skim the treeline around it. i have heard tell of strange radio signals coming form there. i have been there one time. i died. the bodies so many bodies, and such carnage and damage. this wasent th enormal day z bodies and wrockage this was something evil. its too quiet there as if the birds dont even one hit zombies break your bones and knock you down. and thr writings on the wal...*shivers* i went in the high noon daylight. the trees they swallow the light, and i swear to god the whole time i was followed. and not in t slenderman kind of way, im talking i felt like i was being watched. and i swear the path i followed up, was not there when i was trying to escape. sooo many bodies.........i find no need to ever go back. not even with a group at night fully kitted... ill pass thank you id rather run around cherno with a road flare in each hand in the night screaming "here to me my pretties to me!!!!!!!"