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King45 (DayZ)

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About King45 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. we restarted because of lag issues do to hackers spawning in helicopters and teleporting
  2. hey Burza im sorry you were banned but posting our camp corddinates so random people and hackers can blow up our server, why dnt you grow a pair of testicles and stop wighning about getting banned you stupid cunt. see ya later oh wait no i wnt your banned arent u hacker Xp
  3. King45 (DayZ)

    11th Intelligence clan recruiting1

    yo dude literaly i know this guy spams the clan info but this is a really good clan !!
  4. King45 (DayZ)

    11th Intelligence recruiting

    i Strongly recomend this clan i joined Yesterday and its a pretty cool clan!!