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intensity (DayZ)

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Everything posted by intensity (DayZ)

  1. Except the latest videos make it look almost identical to the mod... Even with the zombie through wall thing.
  2. That can be added into the mod and is totally irrelevant if zombies still hit you through walls and you break your leg through the floor of a building. The fundemental engine flaws that are present in the mod now better be fixed in the SA because or else I'm not buying it. Alpha or not.
  3. I will dig it up every time someone will try to make a point that there was never a release date set.
  4. Except it was rocket himself who said that SA will be released in 2012. And then we had nothing until January when he cleared it up on the devblog.
  5. Except actually there were. Originally DayZ was meant to be finished in 2012 and this is common knowledge. Deadlines missed on dev blogs and time frames were stretched. I don't feel like doing the googling for you.
  6. I do remember you guys saying that THIS will be the official forums but... Why does Rocket update Reddit so often? I feel like this is place B. The North East Airfield of Chernarus
  7. Yeah, that's why the average game take 9 to 12 months to produce. DayZ has the added benefit of being in house, with people who created arma and take on helicopters lending support to Rocket and the team. It may not mean as much as updating rosters in a sports game but still, is it such a stretch to expect more? ;)
  8. Traditionally yes, when you have to write an entire engine from scratch and basically everything else in the game including the map.
  9. Does it really take that long to do a devblog? Take a couple of screenshots of weapons and such and interiors and write up a couple of sentences? Seriously? Its poor management or lazyness. Nobody is assigned to do it so it doesn't get done, simple. Yeah, I want the game to be good too, but I don't like it being delayed for so long because history will tell us that that's almost never a good thing. I can think of many titles that bombed over the years in similar circumstances and I can't think of any positive examples. So yeah, on one hand there's rushing it and on the other there is delaying it for over 6 months. With sporadic updates and continuously missing any dead line set. I love Dayz but I have a really bad guy feeling that all I'm going to get is another thing that plays like a mod that I thought I was going to play over half a year ago. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.
  10. intensity (DayZ)

    I just don't get Starry Sobor

    Stary has a very small point of interest and once someone sees you death will follow soon, as you have to stop frequently to inspect loot. Always swing around and come from the north. It will give you the chance to sneak up on someone who is camping stary sniper hill.
  11. intensity (DayZ)

    Looking for 1x NVG's and 1x Rangefinders, have 20x Antibiotics.

    You do realize that you can just find them in the store now don't you? Hence you have 20 of them. Who the hell would want that many antibiotics anyway?
  12. intensity (DayZ)

    Looking for that perfect server...?

    Hook me up with what? Some of that stuff you're smoking?
  13. intensity (DayZ)


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  14. intensity (DayZ)

    Low FPS

    Your HDD is fine. How is your fragmentation? Check your programs, see if there's anything sucking out your cpu. Check this thread for ultimate performance tips http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45835-ultimate-guideinformation-thread-to-increase-performance/ and cross reference it with this site: http://www.dayzpvp.com/ultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide/
  15. intensity (DayZ)

    Low FPS

    Personally, I don't think your problem has anything to do with either graphics or cpu. If I was to guess I would say it could be your HDD. (see this thread for reference) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140532-why-ssd-is-good-for-arma2dayz-completed/ And since I don't know your hdd specs or its fragmentation state, I can't say anything further in that matter. What I will say though and I'm sure I have already said this to someone else in the past: Graphic cards matter as much as potatoes for Arma 2. I had a Geforce 460 which I underclocked to keep silent and I have the same amount of FPS on an overclocked radeon 7870XT.
  16. Welcome to the PC gaming world and more specifically, trying to play a mod for a game with a poorly written engine. There are TONS of step by step guides and videos on the net on how to run DayZ which in my opinion would suit you best. Coming here and venting your teenage angst and self entitlement is not going to get you any further.
  17. intensity (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    Anyone else notice the clipping zombie right at the end when he found the epi pen? Doh. Other than that it's looking ok.
  18. intensity (DayZ)

    DayZ StandAlone PreAlpha Leaked Version (Really ?)

    what? How do you know the E3 version has been leaked?
  19. intensity (DayZ)

    dayz standalone snipers

    Yeah, you're not a good player because you're not in the "top ten killers on balota buddies server rank" page. Because yeah, getting kills is what DayZ is all about apparently. Lolz. We shouldn't argue further about realism and one shot kills etc because it will never end. Someone else will join in and point out that it's too realistic or unrealistic because reason x. I like DayZ the way it is minus .50 cals but I wouldn't mind there to be only civilian bolt action rifles in the sniper category either.
  20. intensity (DayZ)

    dayz standalone snipers

    Survivability is purely a gameplay mechanic. The only change I would like is upping damage on handguns. Surviving over 10 rounds of any caliber and walking away from it crosses the line.
  21. intensity (DayZ)

    Dayz "Skills"

    Short answer: DayZ is not an RPG game.
  22. intensity (DayZ)

    Is my graphic card bad?

    You will never be able to run dayz really well on that sort of CPU. By decent we mean 40-50 fps in a forest, 20-30 in towns. I have the same CPU as you, which I overclocked to 3.5, I would do more, but the one I have can't take more. Anyway, 6800 series is sorta like Geforce 460, which I also had and I doubt dayz even remotely uses it during gaming. Edit: Igonore all those people saying to update your graphics card. I upgraded from 460 to radeon 7870 xt and it did absolutely nothing for dayz. This game is pure CPU.
  23. intensity (DayZ)

    50 cal crybabies

    I've had this argument with some peeps at Balota Buddies. Seems like people can't defend the whole .50 cal thing without becoming personal, raging and accusing that the sole reason why others want these removed is that they don't know how to play.