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intensity (DayZ)

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Everything posted by intensity (DayZ)

  1. Rocket is a big fan of Payday so he's letting that bleed into SA. Personally I think that kills the immersion and if some much care is put into the believability of the setting a payday easter egg mask just kills all that instantly.
  2. In other news... <snip> OrLoK says: Interesting video, but not appropriate for us.
  3. intensity (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    I remember someone saying " see ya all in 2013!" And I thought he was being way sarcastic or pessimistic for thinking it would not be 2012. Here we are going into 2014 and the game looks pretty much similar, lol. The devs better be ready for the torrent of shit coming their way whenever or whatever state it's released in. It's guaranteed even if the game would be free.
  4. intensity (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    New SA screenshot:
  5. intensity (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    I like the way he licks his fish oil dipped fingers, like ice cream.
  6. intensity (DayZ)

    [SoS] Clan recruitment

    Considering Dayz has been out since April 2012 how exactly has everyone in your clan played it for over 2 years? Time travel?
  7. What? DayZ is still in development? I thought it was canceled.
  8. intensity (DayZ)


    Yeah, there is no shortcut with overclocking I'm afraid, other than looking around what settings other people used when oc. That said, I spent a week doing research into it and all that comes with it and the thing is I know people don't have the time or patience in the first place, but it's very important to know what you are doing since you can fry your card/cpu and then it's game over. The week after I had all the right info it took me another day and then a week of constant monitoring to make sure everything is going well, this includes temperature control mostly. I found the program "core temp" for cpus to be best in this regard. So what you really need to ask yourself is do you want/have the time?
  9. intensity (DayZ)

    Any AMD fx 8350 users out there?

    Intel has better performance for gaming and this is a well known fact. Any single thread process is a lot quicker and games do not use anything more than dual core, unless they have been designed that way, these games include Battlefield or Crysis and a select few others. I own a 8350 but I got it because I was able to upgrade my old mobo's bios to support am3+ hence I saved money going amd. Otherwise I would go intel. As to you question I get 70+ frames in s forest and 30 in cities.
  10. I don't care about DayZ anymore to be honest. I cared last year and early this year, but even if it's released now I have so many other games to play. Payday 2 is coming out mid august as well. To me, this game missed the boat.
  11. intensity (DayZ)

    Urgent help needed, annoying ass memory leak

    Had issues with CPU usage using PAX unofficial soundblaster drivers. They would cause other drivers such as catalyst and other svchost.exe process' to each take up 10% cpu, leaving me with approx 50% left. So sometimes a good investigation is in order to get rid of such weeds.
  12. 1st That was not made clear until January, so we had a missed deadline with a big WTF. 2nd It can't forget the date because the whole point of it was to re do the game from scratch, and what we are seeing now doesn't seem all that better, sorry. 3rd Why don't we talk about a different game altogether, and just pretend it's DayZ? Whatever floats your boat man. COD has like 200 mil advertising budget. I would like regular updates via dayz dev blog.
  13. I just want updates... Is that so much to ask... *sigh*
  14. If you actually look at my post then you will see I was quoting somebody else who was brining up the date thing. I didn't just magically bring it out of nowhere for the sake of being an asshole/idiot like you are assuming, Every time someone is going to be posting bullshit about not missing any dates ect, know that I might respond to set the record straight. While Dean has certainly "explained" his decision I certainly don't agree with it, plain simple. Is it so hard to think that he is wrong? That is the point. When he was doing more regular updates I was happy with the fact that he was doing it. but after being shafted with no info over and over again it is clear that it doesn't fucking work. Everything is going smoothly? Are we talking about the same game? The game that looks exactly like the mod, will not have vehicles and probably suffers from the same bugs albeit being delayed for months? Yeah, no problems, no problems at all. Give yourself a cookie for reading my post out of context. I was clearly referring to it as a PR disaster
  15. SmashT, these are early days in Dean's career. He will come around to the dark side eventually. It's like Rock n Roll music and heroin.
  16. RRRRRealy? Officially we had Dean saying it will be out this year, (2012) and then there was a November post saying that the date might slip if needed but not confirmed anything... And then nothing until the dev blog in January which was an apology. Post your sources and make sure they are official as your mum does not count. PR? Who needs PR? We do! DayZ is a massive community and having engaging PR would make the community grow even more. If Dean goes off to a next project in the future I bet he will think: "better get a PR manager this time because DayZ was a fucking disaster, better not repeat that shit again lol".
  17. Now that you're here Rocket, can you please tell me if the alpha SA going to have mod like behavior? Particularly zombie clipping through walls, doors opening and moving the player? You know, the typical things that are limitations of the engine and cannot be fixed in the mod but people expect to be fixed in SA?
  18. intensity (DayZ)


    Nice try there, but I have had enough and decided to expose you. Here is a picture of Privatep1les playing games:
  19. The last I heard of it Matt said that vehicles are cut from the initial release during his E3 DayZ reveal video. Is there new news on this? I was just using GTA as an over the top example there... No of course not... But it doesn't do the game any favors to have features cut out compared to the mod does it?
  20. That's funny, since they are in the mod which is also alpha, and a mod.
  21. Really? How is the whole vehicle stuff in the mod now? Not exactly GTA is it? The game doesn't know what to do with things you run over, there are no animations and zombies fly standing all over the place and its just a big mess. Do you really believe that they are being cut out in order to bring customization later or because they haven't actually done anything with them yet?
  22. They already totally cut out vehicles from the initial release as currently it looks half ass. There is no proper physics model to deal with it...
  23. intensity (DayZ)

    Need some advice

    Can you not report this as abuse to the server admin?
  24. Psst, it's called public relations. If you piss off your future customers then they won't buy your product. Unfortunately it makes SA look like a mod, something that was the whole reason why the game did not come out last year. I have heard "its an arma engine bug cannot be fixed" on this forum so many times it's not healthy, so hopefully they can squash these problems before release without it stretching to December.