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intensity (DayZ)

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Everything posted by intensity (DayZ)

  1. intensity (DayZ)

    Sparkling dots on trees?

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this? Sometimes it doesn't show but since I reduced my drawn distance and scene complexity it is all over the place. It also happened with Arma 2 since I swapped my Geforce 460 for an AMD. http://i39.tinypic.com/2vhu96s.jpg
  2. How about you everyone has access to the admin map and spawns in with a hack menu?
  3. intensity (DayZ)

    Server Abuse w/ Proof

    Admin abuse report by a loot farming server hopper. Classy.
  4. intensity (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    Yeah, the lifespan shortening of the cpu due to the voltage is relative to the OC. But in short, unless you are trying to break the world record of 7 or 8 ghz, or use the same one for the next 5 years it's a non issue. Obviously after market cooling is a must but anyone who plans or thinks about OCing should know this...
  5. intensity (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    A classic topic no doubt. A lot of things depend on quality settings, I for one have to use 1920x1200 which slows things down a bit and with max edge smoothing and some fine tuning the game looks the part and performs the part.I have tried 2 generations of AMD and both did not perform as well as an i5. This discussion has been held about a billion + times over the years and the undeniable fact is that the Arma engine does not take advantage of multicores and intel has much stronger performance per core. Intel is better for gaming AMD budget gaming and applications that use huperthreading/better multicore support Go on, search the internet its all over the place. Depends on the OC and the engine. The gain is to be treated as a percentage. I would say I get roughly 10% increase in SA. If that means I get 40 fps in cherno instead of 35 I don't see a reason why not.
  6. intensity (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Actually, you can destroy buildings in the mod with satchel charges, so I assume later on in SA you will be able to do the same. As well as chop down trees and build structures and such. Heck in this early release we can't even set tank traps or wire fences, not that I'm missing that. I'm happy with the graphics and the quality of the map.
  7. intensity (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    *caugh* Arma *caugh*
  8. intensity (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    Personally, I think anyone running an AMD has around 15fps in Cherno. This engine does not take advange of multicores or hypethreading.
  9. intensity (DayZ)

    3 way stand off in Zelenogorsk

    It's not bad actually. I expected some random waste of time so that is worth a click :) One thing you have to remember tho, DayZ is all about shooting from cover and running back so that you avoid getting killed by lag fire.
  10. intensity (DayZ)

    Probably not a bug, but an issue (multiple med kits)

    Actually there is... Protector cases are even better. While medkits allow you to store 6 med only items the cases store misc, taking up only 4 in your space so you save 2. Obviously he had a lot of med items since he's playin a doctor.
  11. intensity (DayZ)

    I'm sick and confused.

    I think the charcoal fixes poisoning, rather than overeating... Who would have thought... lol.
  12. intensity (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    You do know that you will have to change your motherboard as you the cpu you have now is FM2 and that is not compatible with AM3+ that 8350 runs on? Anyway, I had a phenom 1055t @3.4ghz , then I upgraded to FX8350 because my mobo was able to support the new socket after a bios update. I did not get a huge difference in dayz, running at 4.2ghz. And I could not figure out why. Either the mobo was slowing it down as it did not fully push it or the single core performance was horrible it didnt make more than 10% difference. Now, when I upgraded to i5 4670k I got 30% boost in fps when I ocd to 4.2ghz, not kidding.
  13. intensity (DayZ)

    Zombies are too fast,glitched and more...

    Yeah, the mod is an alpha, or at least we used to call it that. I don't think there's ever gonna be a full release of the mod.
  14. intensity (DayZ)

    Low FPS

    Your computer is what one would call a "hot potato" Arma 2 is very CPU intensive, you neen and intel i3, i5, i7 or FX range AMD if you want to have good fps.
  15. intensity (DayZ)

    A compilation of Tips for those new to SA!

    All of these can be foud on this forum in the new players section, but thanks for the effort. You are wrong about the ammo tho. 7.62 is for the mosin and .45 is for the pistol.
  16. intensity (DayZ)

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    That is why I stay away from the coast. If you shoot anyone there you will be called a fresh spawn killer. If you help a fresh spawn they will try to kill you one way or another, they have everything to gain from your death.
  17. intensity (DayZ)

    Hunger and Thirst Rate Possibly Intended?

    You can get thirsty quite quickly, just depends on your running. If you travel accross the map you will have to replenish liquids/foods once a trip (full days meal)
  18. intensity (DayZ)

    LoS Solutions

    My face to his post.
  19. intensity (DayZ)

    I just couldn't resist..

    There is a spawn point at Novy Sobor, Similar thing happened to me when I spawned in in the middle of the night and used my flashlight to find out wtf I am. I got gunned down with an m4 after 2 minutes.
  20. intensity (DayZ)

    m4 before ak74

    They focused on the m4 because it was easier for them to create the modification system around it.
  21. intensity (DayZ)

    Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

    Been chased around Balota by a guy wielding a wrench for 10 mins yesterday. I log on today to discover 15 dead bodies there with nothing but flashlights on them. Yup, trolling at its finest. There should be an option to make a necklace out of the spare batteries to show others just how bad ass you really are.
  22. People die climbing Everest all the time, and their bodies are used as landmarks. Welcome to Death Land.
  23. Yeah, duping is evil, especially when all your gear disappears for the 5th time running because of a bug/killed by hacker. I had a backup tent that was very well hidden and I would only go there when I lost my shit in the above mentioned ways. Ooops, I cheated doh.
  24. I wanted to write a long winded response to this but decided it wasn't worth my time.
  25. Where the hell did all that shit come from!? A collection or a big dinosaur shit? They better get someone to help this poor sod to shuffle all the shit if the photo is real. And if it's not did they seriously just put some fake poo looking material for a dayz concept photo? Mind boggles.