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intensity (DayZ)

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Everything posted by intensity (DayZ)

  1. intensity (DayZ)

    [Standalone] Tags / Wall paintings ?

    I was going to argue but then I thought "hey, he can't help it if he likes dicks". Just stay away from my dick and we should be fine.
  2. intensity (DayZ)

    How to prevent hacks. (kinda)

    And just why are you suggesting all this anyway? I question your motives... Have you got some secret way to advertise your server while trying to convince everyone else to stop? Hmm. Very suspicious indeed. On a serious note, playing on public hive servers is like having unprotected sex with Third World country hookers. And private white-listed hives are like big orgies where people know each other more or less.
  3. intensity (DayZ)

    Avenging unfairly banned mates

    Wow! I love the tense music at the start. Too bad that all that effort went into 22 minutes of boring. It's a skiddie who paid for a server and then cheats on it, who gives a shit.
  4. intensity (DayZ)

    Some ideas for SA

    Nothing beats a bit of DIY. Would combining objects in this matter change the feel of the game? I doubt it. Even if standalone doesn't have it at launch I'm sure we will see it included at one point or another. Making silencers isn't focused on PVP either. I suppose that's what we would try to do if we found out the infected were attracted to sound. Realistically though, it's not what anyone would think about after waking up stranded on the shore in the middle a zombie apocalypse. On that note I hope sound is fixed in SA and there no such thing as SD bullets. What's the point in all this if you would have to find "plastic bottle" type bullets.
  5. intensity (DayZ)

    [Standalone] Tags / Wall paintings ?

    Allow people to draw genitals all over the place? Awesome. There aren't many more higher ranked immersion breakers on my list. And yes, it has been discussed before.
  6. intensity (DayZ)

    Dayz server custom spawns, 500+ vehicles

    Is that it? Man, this server is too bare bones for me.
  7. intensity (DayZ)

    Public character finally died, day 164.

    Ever considered that what you saw was actually a suicide? Anyone who has survived for 164 days hiding in forests without finding a way to safety would probably go insane and start eating their own feces... Hell, I drink my own piss for breakfast just to stay in practice.
  8. intensity (DayZ)

    DayZ community Banlist

    He was caught on video with his hand in a goat's anus near Berezino. There were further complaints and stories involving rabbits but those are unconfirmed.
  9. intensity (DayZ)

    Worst luck ever...

  10. Doesn't look dodgy to me. Shooter was NW imo far away enough to hear sound after the shot and not too far as it would be impossible to see because of the fog. PS it's always a really bad idea to start to alt-tabbing or whatever when you are in a situation like that. You can get circled around and ambushed and die like a fool. PS2 I've seen people using side chat for far more crazy stuff than making other players believe they're at a location they really aren't.
  11. intensity (DayZ)

    24 hours trial version ?

    There is a rumor going around that it might even be 100% free. No joke. After trying the front page it's true! You can download dayz mod from the front page without any payment!
  12. intensity (DayZ)

    Saving/leaving/aborting solution?

    What if this tent was different and everyone spawned with it? It can be called a camp kit.
  13. intensity (DayZ)

    Combat logging admin

    Is this Australian English or just retard English?
  14. intensity (DayZ)

    Cat - hero's best friend

    You are having a laugh aren't you? Surely... Back in the real world, Having cats around to help you out is just stupid. Why? Because cat's don't really give a shit. Even though I'm not a fan of dogs being in the game I can clearly see that there is a hint of possibility of such a situation. 90% of dogs will follow you and if trained they will act on commands, the only trained cats I've seen opened doors and pooped in toilets.
  15. Talk about split personality lol.
  16. What, can't win in a fair fight so you have to resort to being a douche?
  17. intensity (DayZ)

    For that I was banned?

    Erlock?... Orlok is that your alt account?
  18. intensity (DayZ)

    Do I need...

    He's already told you, get dayz commander and use the install latest dayz option from there. That is the least you can do, next step would be to give us a VNC connection to install it for you.
  19. intensity (DayZ)

    Need a fellow survivor (No total newbies)

    Gonna save your profile, playing dishonored ATM.
  20. intensity (DayZ)

    Trading M16ACOG, M14 AIM, m136 Launcher LF AS50, Ghille, NVG

    Right, and you haven't got a DMR.
  21. intensity (DayZ)

    How do I get this game to work?

    STEP 1: Tell us if you have Arma II and mods and your computer specs. I'm sure you can look at your own post and see that you just wasted 2 mins of everyone's time on it. edit: ok after looking at your specs just want to tell you that you might have problems with your graphics card and that cpu is fairly weak but probably able to run it.
  22. intensity (DayZ)

    history and stats of each played character

    I'm sure that steam will allow some of this at least, you can look up statistics for a lot of games.
  23. intensity (DayZ)

    DayZ Mythbusters

    That was cool, when I saw it 5 months ago.
  24. intensity (DayZ)

    I do not understand how to solve my problem

    Yeah as MarvelxGirl said, Operation Arrowhead + Basic Arma II = Combined Operations. Either you didn't run it first (requires both arma and oa to be run once) or you have a botched dayz install. Run the games and re-download the mod from the main page link and then try.
  25. intensity (DayZ)

    official server having issues

    An official server that was locked? There is no such thing as official servers except the name. Anyway, sounds like it has problems with hive connectivity, or the hive itself is having issues.