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Everything posted by YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

  1. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    This response is exactly why corps release shit, unfinished products. All the while, you guys pay them money for it, smiling and protecting while they are deep dicking you. Cool. Not me, though. I will stand up and say something. Here is something... Arma 3 won't fix any of these issues. It is the same unsecure system with prettier lights. GG!
  2. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Would you kill them or trade them

    I would kill everyone. Trading? Pfft... I'll take what I want if it means my survival. Human nature, son.
  3. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    New patch

    P.S. they need an option to take away beans.
  4. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    New patch

    Don't fool yourself, they get paid. No matter what they say. They are part of the corp-cog. Should be treated as such. Especially now, that they play the "I am on your guys side, I won't let corporations control this awesome concept." Well,that is a lie when BI took almost 30 million (and growing) for a dead product and won't secure it. I know a guy that works for the Government and has contact with the VBS2 team on base (He is military) and he plays and loves (well, loved) the game. He asked the BI team on base why they aren't doing anything about the DayZ problem with almost a million customers plus. Their response.... "We don't really care, BI doesn't really care about the commercial market. We released it as a gift to you guys. It isn't meant to be played online with open servers (OMFG) but more on closed secure systems." Well, they did release it, and they by law should support it. I am saddened cause I thought BI was a reputable CORP, and with them being Slavic (slavics, at least Polish Slavs, usually stand up for the little guy -- look up your history) I guess those Czech douchebags need to turn in their card. This whole thing is fucking gross.
  5. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    What should i do now?

    Find a good spot and start murdering. Depending on your skill level and theirs, it will either be epic or epic fail. Either way, record it and post it. It is all about the experience.
  6. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Tents with lots of duped goodies on LU12

    You are worse than the DC'ers and Hackers. Just sayin.
  7. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe still no sign from Dev-Team

    I bet all of you that say it never drops below 30 never leave your tree line up in the NW edge of the map. Go play SP, you turds. I have an i7, 12GB TriChan Dominator ram, 590... S my D.
  8. What happens when you home server is super popular because of competition and stability and hackers/exploiters live there? Can we start banning yet? No? Thanks Rocket.
  9. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Program to find what server people are on?

    Also, please record your fail. That way, we can all laugh at you, twice.
  10. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Program to find what server people are on?

    So, what you are saying is, you don't pay attention and another, more pro-player, one up'd you and your twatty friend? I see.
  11. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Program to find what server people are on?

    You will lose. I mean, you lost the first time. What makes you think this time will be different... oh wait.. I know how. Nice scripts, goob.
  12. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe still no sign from Dev-Team

    I have a 3K computer that I built myself. Every game runs flawlessly on high to ultra high settings. This game, I have set on low (for PvP and performance -- haha, performance, in an Arma engine... what a joke). Basically, when the majority say it smells like shit in here, there is probably a turd in a corner somewhere. Tha turd is BI.
  13. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Stay positive!

    cRy makes the most sense out of all of you.
  14. YouCan'tGetRidOfMe

    Standalone by September? No chance

    How many of you assumed that by it being called Alpha, there would be a Beta and a Final release on the engine we paid money for? Yeah, me too. Fuck you BI.