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TLS Captain

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Everything posted by TLS Captain

  1. TLS Captain

    Heli Experts

    You may need to get fuel tank parts to repair it.
  2. TLS Captain Huge Graphic Bugs unplayable

    What I have seen is it is mostly caused by the Private Military Contract DLC. I don't know why; but I had my uninstalled since I was getting some weird errors from it with some other mods I had with it, and I haven't received the artifacting since. Now this isn't me saying go out and buy the PMC DLC. I would wait until this issue is solved because for one I think it is kinda stupid that with the light version you don't even get full HD character textures.
  3. TLS Captain

    HALP! I've flipped my ATV

    Wait for a server restart. That's about it.
  4. TLS Captain

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    http://www.bistudio.com/ This looks like to be the issue. They released the official 1.62 patch.
  5. TLS Captain

    Force Global Server Updates

    I agree. This is actually out of hand. I cannot play the latest build because the servers that actually do have the latest build are full. While the others that have old versions are nearly empty. I've seen so many servers where it looks like it just becoming an exploit for players. Hell I have seen a server that had a total of 2 slots and was not updated to the newest version. This is an issue. The people playing this game are testing it. Looking for bugs while at the same time trying to find fun ways to play it. There needs to be a force update somehow. Or even remove the privilege of those that refuse to update to host the game.
  6. I think the only big thing about this is, yes there are people that will try to ruin someones experience right from the get go. But at the same time that is why spawns are usually random. I do find it disappointing that people do this just to grief but in the end karma will bite them in the ass and they will get shot back. I would just not take what people say to heart. This game/mod has it's moments and don't let a couple of idiots take away your fun. When I play with a group of friends we have a rule that if we see anyone we shoot them. Because we are communicating through different means and not over the games chat. So we don't take the time to call out friendlies that are not chatting with us. My point is, if we saw people spawn we would shoot on sight, no questions asked, and of course, take your beans.
  7. TLS Captain

    Squad Size

    That's actually a good question. A small team possibly is the best. Like what you are saying 4 for a team is good. Though again, it is sometimes nice to have extra eyes on multiple directions from outside the city; because sometimes you may get into a situation where your main over watch lost sights on you. Which actually happened to me yesterday. I would say anywhere from 4-8 would be a good number to roll with.
  8. TLS Captain

    Third/first person servers

    If you look at the difficulty of a server, it can usually show that there is or is not third person. Regular is the only difficulty that allows Third Person by default, anything higher is usually stuck in First Person. As for the transition in day night cycles, it could be because more people play at night as to during the actual day.
  9. TLS Captain

    Comparison with COD

    Yes, I completely agree. I read through several threads and all I can see is how people try and compare a mod of ARMA 2 to Call of Duty... There is a reason I prefer ARMA over Call of Duty, and that's that I can actually use military training within a shooter. Try using military training in Call of Duty, a majority of the time it will not work. As well I notice that many still do not take into account that this is a mod in ALPHA stages. I for one respect the dev completely because he released an ALPHA to the public. And that is risky just because there are players that look to hurt the work of others rather then help. Edit: I would also like to add that ARMA is not a game that gets released every fucking year, this is a game that has been out since 2009 and is making money because the developers give players the ability to do stuff like DayZ. So overall before you even think about saying anything relative to Call of Duty you should rethink it. Side note, I did not read this entire thread as I already agree with OP, so if anything I say was repeated I apologize.