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Everything posted by batflaps

  1. batflaps

    noob and hacker

    As I rofl'd all the way through this post, this is the comment I agree with. I would have taken sooooooo mcuh from that crate. nubs.
  2. batflaps

    G36SD camo?

    Its a fucking gun for christ sakes, who cares he will die and lose it anyway.
  3. batflaps

    PvP vs PvE

    there is quite a lack of PvE in this game tbh so why is there even an argument about this? The PvE element of it is pretty much gearing up. Then it would be to kill zombies and I mean come on how long can you do that for? That would get really boring unless they add "boss zombies" but then it would be too "wowy"... PvP is the end game in this lets face it. :)
  4. just make it so vehicles respawn faster or make more vehicles. some of which cant be hoarded and are spawned back at there original location after a certain period of time!
  5. batflaps

    Trading for AS50

    I would like to trade for SVD camp, have nato rounds.
  6. There will (hopfully) be and endgame to the standalone. What that will be... I do not know. It certainly wont be raid like events. I hope. Cba with generic MMORPG shit.
  7. OP, you're post is great I loved almost all the ideas. The one I really, really want to see is you only being aloud to have 1 character and that whatever server you pick with that character is the only server you can play on until that specific character is dead. that way a sort of community can get built up on servers and you would know who people are etc Another thing I would like to see is, if you see someone and you dont know there name there could be a hotkey you press so that the mouse appears and you are able to click said person to see if they are friendly or not. another thing I though was factions but when I thought about it further it just seemed really stupid... The eve idea is much much better. You have the Corporations and then big alliances between those corps. I think this is great because it is player made factions with there own territory in game.
  8. Can anyone provide a link to reliable map with spawn locations? I dont think all the vehicles have been taken on my server yet as I have only seen 1 pickup truck tye vehicle and never again seen anything else... no chopper or nothing! :\ Just getting a bit bored of walking EVERYWHERE!
  9. batflaps

    My Mobile Cowww'ver LOL (vid)

    I liked the slow mo effect on the bullet at the end. :) lucky bastard though! hah
  10. batflaps

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I logged on to the server I usually play on last night, was ported to the middle of nowhere with no gear or anything. There was like 10 other people there also... Logged out then back in I was on the beach at Elektra(with all my gear, few). BUT I had broken legs... No problem I just got my mate to run from base to me with morphine xD After about 10 mins there was a lot of people getting global banned... Some people were getting it like 3 times which I though was weird...
  11. batflaps

    DE 231 - To the 3 ghillie suited bandits at NWAF

    hopefully never..
  12. batflaps

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Found a tent with 32 ghillies in it today. Safe to say I never took them all xD That wasnt even half the good loot. Going back tonight!
  13. will pay in dragunov. located on Skalisty island, heading up northwest of cherno.
  14. batflaps

    Looking for Heli ride

    Thank you thank you thank you. I knew I seen that just couldnt remember the name ! :) Swimming no longer makes your gear fall out. :)
  15. batflaps

    Looking for Heli ride

    I had a camp here, this is the last of the stuff I have moving north as I dont want to travel from here to north and back anymore.
  16. batflaps

    Looking for Heli ride

    Go away troll, there is guys out there who have hellies who taxi people around... to anyone wondering I have made this trip atleast 5 times and I cba anymore.
  17. This thread is simple. I have 3x M107's 1x AS50 I have limited mags so it is only 3 mags per trade. I died on my last loot run and lost ANOTHER 50. I started playing this game 2 weeks ago and have stumbled across 5 helicopters so far. None of which have had anything but sniper rifles... If anyone is up for trading an L85A LSW for a 50 then I would also like on of those. I need 2 ghillies and 2 range finders although if someone is interested and has a spare L85 then I would ditch a rangefinder. I will accept trades with 3rd party over watch. Anyone who does not follow through on a trade I will be naming and shaming on the forums. Not that it would do any good but meh. Also have 1 mountain dew if thats worth anything? :P PM if interested I am on GMT/BST timezone.
  18. bump, QQ need dem ghillies!
  19. batflaps

    Bored of Playing on Your Own???

    Name : Jamie Gaming name : Batflaps Location: Glasgow Scotland What games do you normally play? I play Battlefield 3, Minecraft, CSS, Tribes, Total War:Rome, League of Legends Only playing DayZ atm though. Age: 21 Experiance : almost 2 weeks# I want to join because I want to start experiencing the game in a team environment.
  20. batflaps

    Looking to start up a base.

    EU/UK? Ive almost finished a base myself. :P