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Everything posted by batflaps

  1. batflaps

    Which Sniper?

    Im sure milldots are: middle dot 300m then every other one fromt hat is 100m? I like the DMR good all round sniper and can be used with NVGs :) He found that box.
  2. batflaps

    ghillie suit and bandit skin

    I hate humanity. It kept changing me from good guy to bandit about 5 times and deleted my bag... ;\
  3. I'd say for this game that new maps are basically like a new expansion... Sorta. PS, business is business.
  4. batflaps

    Hit registry issue?

    Makarov shoots peas.
  5. That guy was a fucking retard anyway, basically standing up on the hill instead of prone.. ;\
  6. batflaps

    WAR IT SHALL BE! we need YOU!

    PM me I will come and help you pillage, can give you guys some gear also. M4s etc.
  7. batflaps

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Thanks for this! :) The one that caught my eye the most was the "end game" question... He says he wants us to basically make our own end game... Well that inevitably boils down to PVP. Not that, that is a bad thing. What are the PVE elements? to kill respawning zombies?
  8. Remove it, its OP. NVGs are enough.
  9. batflaps

    AS50 TWS

    Take it for yourself. You cant get banned then save there tent so it doesnt respawn!
  10. batflaps

    Yep, this mod is dying

    Its because of schools. So, I'd prematurely like to say that you are dying. Also alot of people will stop playing because the stand alone got announced. Why? so the standalone presents itself as fresh! I myself would stop playing. However I just found a car for the first fucking time and I want to drive the shit out of it. Bring on the standalone game!
  11. Isnt it quit ironic he is scoped into what appears to be an AS50? Cool story bro, not enough drag...
  12. batflaps

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    you just judged?
  13. batflaps

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    Fuck normal! Wish I knew more girls who gamed!
  14. Hi FiX, looking at ordering one of your France servers. Can I get an IP to ping as I reside in Scotland and not entirely sure. Thanks.
  15. I agree with what the guy is "trying" to say without knowing how things work. :P MAC address ban? xD
  16. batflaps

    Found a Hacker Box :0

    Nothing there. :(
  17. batflaps


    I logged out ALIVE last night to log in dead and pick a new character male/female. Wtf. so I kill myself twice and twice I spawn back at kamenka. now running ike hell to die again becuase I am at the very far west part of the map. I know its alpha so bring back the respawn button, jeez. Ps Im not server hopping adnd just respawned at kamenka for the 3rd time... losing all hope.
  18. batflaps


    All is well with the world. Spawned at elektro after the 4th time. haha there is 4 of me lying in Kamenka. well 2 standing corpes! lol
  19. Um why edit your posts from nice stuff to this? lol why so bad. any sign of pony lovers in game shall here the whistle of my bullet.
  20. where is this event taking place so I can form an Anti brony alliance and wipe your kind from this great earth? o_O
  21. batflaps

    So i found this hacker stash...

    What server is this?
  22. omg I thought I got away from the bronies when I decided not to go on MMO-C anymore o_O why god, why?
  23. batflaps

    Auto run, while doing other stuff(alt-tabbed)

    Alt tabbing is th enemy.... I was killed that way.