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Everything posted by batflaps

  1. batflaps

    Fuck my life.

    So yeah, just spent 5 hours trying to find a fucking engine part. Engine part found. Placed in VS3 Civi Server restart Respawned broken. When is a hotfix coming out for this shit fucking patch I was all about patience and stuff but now I. AM. MAD. :\ Its all well and good saying that oh busy with stand alone now and what not but come on to fuck man fix what needs fixing. Tents, Vehicles at the very least.
  2. batflaps

    Worst game-day ever!

    I just restarted my server after looking for an engine part all day I attached it to a VS3... If it respawns broken I will tell you how bad my day has went xD. Ps I need a blood transfusion 3.8k blood :( Yeah, so my day sucks. It respawned after reset. fuckmylife.
  3. batflaps

    Under 100K active players

    GUILD WARS 2 Patch sucks Hackers I'd say a combination of them.
  4. batflaps

    Learn'd Discourse About Server Rules

    This will go un noticed mate since it is a "privilege" for us to own servers.
  5. batflaps

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Rocket to be fair to you, you're probably one of the most down to earth Devs in the business and heavily snowed under just now! I await the next patch with open arms and hope its here soon ;)
  6. batflaps

    Big sad face..

    I dont understand hackers... Where is the fun in this porting people to one spot in the middle of the air and killing them? If I hacked I would have fun with one guy and really fuck with his head! Hackers are stupid.
  7. where the fuck are you pulling 10%, 15% and 50% from? 992139% of all statistics are made up on the spot. durrrrrrrr
  8. you live in south Korea where you get a Gigabit intrnetz?
  9. batflaps

    Just took down a heli @ SE 57

    Why does there always have to be a video? meh.
  10. batflaps

    Real Bandity How its Done!

    Lol Bangarand didnt go with the video at all, -10
  11. I dont have to read it all because snipers need to be in the game. But jesus H christ man no TLDR?
  12. batflaps

    As50 for trade

    .. wp
  13. batflaps

    As50 for trade

    All ya'll can go be tradless elsewhere, this deal is pretty much done. :)
  14. batflaps

    As50 for trade

    When I found my AS50 There was none of those things with it. Your intel is clearly incorrect.
  15. batflaps

    Trade: AS50 w/5 Nato rounds

    um Im on just now but will be going off for a bit, most likely soon! I will be on later on tonight, and yeah Im in Scotland so its 12:30pm here. Can get the 3 of us on skype and just do it all at the same time if use prefer? PS. I dont murder for no reason. Last time I murdered someone was because they shot at my with a AS50... and missed ;) Later that day I was blown up by a friends grenade. GG xD
  16. batflaps

    Trade: AS50 w/5 Nato rounds

    Cool man, well I'll check back here. Just gonna get on way to camp.
  17. batflaps

    Trade: AS50 w/5 Nato rounds

    if you trade that guy the NVGs and range finders then I will trade you an L85 for the Rangefinders
  18. batflaps

    Consoles eh?

    I fucking agree with you right there man. I just got riid of my "media Centre 360". How could a console even render a whole chenaurus?
  19. batflaps

    Broken quad bike... Help please :-)

    What is your server and location?
  20. batflaps

    What is a Bandit

    My thoughts exactly.
  21. batflaps

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    DEATH TO THE BRONIES! Creepy middle aged men who like cartoon ponies. Sorry, I mean: each to there own. /facepalm
  22. Keep reading that the helicopter spawns on Skalisty Island (all the time) Is this 100% accurate?