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Spektrum (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Spektrum (DayZ)

  1. Spektrum (DayZ)

    Trading Ghillie Suit for Decent Gun & Map

    M4A1 CCO SD and ammo or M107 with ammo over here let me know !
  2. Spektrum (DayZ)

    [Trade] Looking for Range Finder / AS50 with mags

    I got the range finder looking for a ghillie !
  3. Hey guys im looking for an AS50 and ammo , and a ghillie suit I have NVG ,rangefinder,GPS ,M107 and ammo ,M4A1 cco sd and ammo ! let me know !
  4. Spektrum (DayZ)

    Trade fast: LF NVG's - Have multiple ghillies

    I have two nightvisions up for trade hit me up !