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About azrael000

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. azrael000

    Help me please with a ACR DLC problem

    So you have ArmA2 free right? ACR requres Orginal Full ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA
  2. azrael000

    New Weapons/Items Suggestions

    Well you'r right, but this weapon was never designed to be a standard military weapon, it's main purpose is door breaching, and stoping light vehicles, and yes for standard soldier with lot of his equipment holding another upper receiver and another mags is a pain in the ass, however its used by a PMCs or Police, and yes its rare, but because it's quite new, also im with you on that there should be more popular guns like AR-15 in the game, so for example AA-12 is to new, but Browning Maxus is quite popular and awesome gun, semi auto, autoload, and small recoil. Yeah thats Rocks! Creating a nice Bow its not a hard work, but not all types of terres ar god for it.
  3. Hey maybe some new stuff to be implemented in DayZ And if there is someone that could create models for it, write here to I would like to se Beowulf 50. with 10 rnd mag. it should do massive damage but firing at range not exceeding 300 metres, big recoil, and half of accuracy of standard m4.
  4. azrael000

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Hi, is there any list of items that can be found i game, today i shot a guy who killed my comrade, i go to him and took map and Czech backpack, then i had to turn of the game but now i am wondering, is it possible to find a map in DayZ, if there is no list of items and vehicles it should be created, because i dont want to be banned because i scavenged some thing not legit. Also i have ACR DLC, can it make me banned? And are you considering adding stuff from ACR to DayZ